1 Pertemuan 5 Model Transaksi e-Commerce Matakuliah: H0292 / E-Business Tahun: 2005 Versi: v0 / Revisi 1
2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Memberikan contoh tentang model e- commerce
3 Outline Materi Lingkup e-commerce –Dimensi dari e-commerce –Perbedaan antara pure vs partial e-commerce –Klasifikasi dari e-commerce Contoh aplikasi e-commerce : –Electronic market
4 Pure Vs. Partial Electronic Commerce –Three dimensions the product (service) sold [physical / digital]; the process [physical / digital] the delivery agent (or intermediary) [physical / digital] –Traditional commerce all dimensions are physical –Pure EC all dimensions are digital –Partial EC all other possibilities include a mix of digital and physical dimensions
5 Physical agent Digital agent Digital Product Physical Product Physical process Digital process Virtual process Virtual delivery agent Virtual product Electronic commerce areas The core of electronic commerce The Dimensions of Electronic Commerce Traditional commerce
6 –Figure 1.2 shows that the EC applications are supported by infrastructures, and their implementation is dependent on four major areas (shown as supporting pillars) people, public policy, technical standards and protocols, and other organizations. –The EC management coordinates the applications, infrastructures, and pillars. It also includes Internet marketing and advertisement. The Electronic Commerce Field
7 A Framework for Electronic Commerce 9 Electronic Commerce Applications Stocks Jobs On-line banking Procurement and purchasing Malls On-line marketing and advertising Home shopping Auctions Travel On-line publishing People: Buyers, sellers, intermediaries, services, IS people, and management Public policy, legal, and privacy issues Technical standards for documents, security, and network protocols payment Organizations: Partners, competitors, associations, government services Infrastructure (1) Common business services infrastructure (security smart cards/authentication electronic payment, directories/catalogs) (2) Messaging and information distribution infrastructure (EDI, , Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) (3) Multimedia content and network publishing infrastructure (HTML, JAVA, World Wide Web, VRML) (4) Network infrastructure (Telecom, cable TV wireless, Internet) (VAN, WAN, LAN, Intranet, Extranet) (5) Interfacing infrastructure (The databases, customers, and applications) Management © Prentice Hall, 2000
8 –A market is a network of interactions and relationships where information, products, services, and payments are exchanged. –The market handles all the necessary transactions. –An electronic market is a place where shoppers and sellers meet electronically. –In electronic markets, sellers and buyers negotiate, submit bids, agree on an order, and finish the execution on- or off-line. Electronic Markets
9 11 Shopper/PurchaserSeller/Supplier Electronic Market (Transaction Hander) Electronic commerce network (Infrastructure) Product/service information request Purchase request Payment or payment advice Purchase fulfillment request Purchase change request Response to fulfillment request Shipping notice Payment approval Electronic transfer of funds Shopper/Purchaser’s Bank Payment remittance notice Electronic transfer of funds Transaction Handler’s Bank (Automated Clearing House) Seller/Supplier’s Bank Electronic Markets © Prentice Hall, 2000 Response to information request Purchase acknowledgment Shipping notice Purchase/service delivery (if online) Payment acknowledgment
10 –Business-to-business –Business-to-customer –Intra business transactions –Others Electronic Commerce Business to Business Business to Customer Intraorganizational Other Interorganizational System Business to Business Classification of EC by the Nature of the Transactions © Prentice Hall, 2000
11 Marketing Computer sciences Consumer behavior and psychology Finance Economic Production/Logistic Management information systems Accounting and auditing Management Business law and ethics Electronic Commerce is Interdisciplinary