1 N a v S A S Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November 2005 The Future Navigation Systems: Galileo and GPSIII Paolo Mulassano member of the NavSAS Group
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November – Why Galileo? 3 –Galileo Performance 4 – Galileo and GPS III Status 5 - Conclusions 2 – New Opportunities around Galileo Outline
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Go on with GPS: an European Question Realized for military purposes it was not biult for civil applications it was not biult for civil applications Under military control Under military control there is no guarantee about the quality and continuity of service there is no guarantee about the quality and continuity of service Only the USA can control the system Only the USA can control the system economical benefits manly for USA economical benefits manly for USA Security and services assurance Security and services assurance who pays for the system fault or errors? who pays for the system fault or errors?
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Galileo: the European GNSS Europe planned its involvement in Global Navigation Satellite Systems in two steps: Step 1: EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System) development and deployment –EGNOS will provide civil augmentation to GPS and GLONASS –EGNOS will be into operations in 2006 –It is a project of European Commission, Eurocontrol and ESA E GNOS
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Galileo: the European GNSS Step 2: GALILEO development and deployment –It is a civil system under civil control –It assures independence and sovereignty to Europe –It offers guaranteed services –It is designed to have improved performance It will starts its operations by 2010 Galileo is an initiative of EC and ESA
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Galileo Services and Signals OS (Open Service)OS (Open Service) –Free-access signal (free-of-charge) for generic applications (for example, mass market, road,...) CS (Commercial Service)CS (Commercial Service) –Controlled-access signal (commercial encryption) with additional information, for commercial applications SOL (Safety-Of-Life Service)SOL (Safety-Of-Life Service) –Controlled-access signal with additional integrity information, for critical applications PRS (Public Regulated Service)PRS (Public Regulated Service) –Controlled- and restricted-access signal (governmental encryption) for governmental applications Over 250 million by 2020
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Galileo Stand-Alone Accuracy Horizontal (L1) Vertical (L1) Horizontal accuracy with L1 and E5b frequencies Courtesy of ESA
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Combined GNSS Accuracy GPS + EGNOS on Europe (and also on Africa) lowers the vertical accuracy to less than 5 mGPS + EGNOS on Europe (and also on Africa) lowers the vertical accuracy to less than 5 m
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November R&D Opportunities New Galileo services and new SIS format (BOC) on different frequencies imply –New HW/SW for the receivers –New interoperable schemes (future GPS+Galileo RX) –Interoperability between NAV and COM systems –Integrity to be managed –Network synchronization –New application concepts –…..
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Galileo Status GPS Constellation Galileo Exp. SV (*1) GSTB V1 GSTB V2 IOV Phase FOC Phase Galileo In Orbit Validation Const. (*4) Galileo Full Operation Const. (30)
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Galileo Status Galileo (GSTB-V2) Giove Satellite presented November the 9 th
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November GPS Modernization GPS III addresses multiple needs: Improved accuracyImproved accuracy –Driven by evolving needs (new applications) Significantly increased integrity (different approach from EU)Significantly increased integrity (different approach from EU) –Crucial for SoL applications High level of signal availability (dual systems GPSIII + Galileo)High level of signal availability (dual systems GPSIII + Galileo) Increased power for anti-jam (as in EU with interference)Increased power for anti-jam (as in EU with interference) Same keywords as for Galileo!
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November GPS Modernization: New Civil Signals
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November GPS Modernization: Performance GPS expected improvements (after 2015)
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Galileo in Piedmont Politecnico di Torino Istituto Superiore Mario Boella ISMB IEN Galileo Ferraris Torino polo industriale e PMI Comitato Promotore Programma Galileo a Torino Industries Operators PMI Fondazione Torino Wireless Education Galileo Time Terminali Galileo Servizi e Applicazioni
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November NavSAS Main Projects –GARDA Galileo User Receiver Preliminary Development Activities SDR design of GNSS receiversSDR design of GNSS receivers NAV/COM integration and hybridizationNAV/COM integration and hybridization –GILT Galileo Initiatives for Local Technologies Interference detection monitoring and identificationInterference detection monitoring and identification –GR-POSTER Galileo User Mass Market Receiver Development SDR design of GNSS receiversSDR design of GNSS receivers NAV/COM integration and hybridization for multipath mitigationNAV/COM integration and hybridization for multipath mitigation –ARTUS Galileo User Professional Receiver Development Interference detection mitigationInterference detection mitigation GNSS signal Quality ControlGNSS signal Quality Control Mutlipath mitigation over E5a/E5b bands (AltBOC)Mutlipath mitigation over E5a/E5b bands (AltBOC) –GIRASOLE Galileo User Safety of Life Receiver Development Interference detection mitigation in maritime environmentInterference detection mitigation in maritime environment GNSS signal Quality ControlGNSS signal Quality Control Mutlipath mitigation over E5a/E5b bands (AltBOC)Mutlipath mitigation over E5a/E5b bands (AltBOC) –GREHDA Galileo Receiver for High Dynamics Applications Integrated GPS/Galileo RX for small LEO satellites Integrated GPS/Galileo RX for small LEO satellites –POPART Development of a monitoring system for rescue teams –PROGENY Creation of a network of experts for navigation applications –NASIA Localisation technologies for Localisation Applications in Airports –DANGER Dangerous goods transport monitoring GJU 1st call GJU 2nd call ASI
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Master On Navigation A joint initiative of Politecnico di Torino and Istituto Superiore Mario Boella with the cooperation of IEN Galileo Ferraris and UN OOSA with the cooperation of IEN Galileo Ferraris and UN OOSA United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs The objective is to disseminate knowledge, a key element for the future exploitation of Galileo First edition in 2004 – 2005 academic year with 16 participants from 8 countries
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Conclusions Galileo is an opportunity in different areasGalileo is an opportunity in different areas –New technological products –New potential services The GPS modernization plan the drivers are similar to Galileo requirementsThe GPS modernization plan the drivers are similar to Galileo requirements At the Piemonte Level there are many initiatives to support companies in developing a strong know-how in the fieldAt the Piemonte Level there are many initiatives to support companies in developing a strong know-how in the field Specific training offers have been set-up in order to create the Galileo CultureSpecific training offers have been set-up in order to create the Galileo Culture
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Thank you!
N a v S A S G r o u p Osservatorio ICT del Piemonte, November Contact Information Paolo Mulassano Navigation Lab – ISMB Mulassano Navigation Lab – ISMB