S5 Parents’ Meeting 29 April 2015
Done! 13 lunch Career talks (universities, institutions, overseas studies, workplace…) Career visits University information Days Friday Careers Meeting Job Shadow Day : Civil Engineering and Development Department University interviews – Talk JA – Success skills in writing resume and job interview
JUPAS Joint University Programmes Admissions System With Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination results Apply for admission to programmes offered by the JUPAS participating- institutions
JUPAS - ONE application University Grants Committee (UGC)- funded Programmes Self- financing Programm es Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors (SSSDP) Programmes 8 Institutions ~200 Programmes Open University 24 Programmes 5 Institutions 13 Programmes
Participating Institutions for UGC-funded programmes HKBU LU CUHK HKIEd (D,HD) PolyU (D,HD) HKUST HKU CityU (D,AD)
Participating Institutions for other programmes Self- financing Programmes SSSDP OUHK
Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) In the 2014 Policy Address broaden the opportunities for local students to receive higher education 13 programmes with 940 places $40,000 – programmes which are not laboratory-based $70,000 – programmes which are laboratory-based sp
Entrance Requirements of UGC-funded Institutions for 2015 AdmissionInstitutions Core Subjects Electives ChiEngMathLS HKU HKUST (including M1 and M2) CUHK3322 CityU (2016 Entry) HKBU HKIEd PolyU LU3322+2
If I satisfy the minimum entrance requirements of a programme, will I be offered a place?
Points for possible university entrance ~20 points (for 5 subjects including core subjects) Refer to specific admission score and admission calculation of EACH programme Admissions Scores of the 9 JUPAS Participating-institutions ( ) material
JUPAS Selection Criteria HKDSE results College Assessment: School Reference Report Principal Nomination Scheme Other Learning Experience and Achievement / Student Learning Profile (OEA / SLP) Banding Interview …
How to select 20 Programmes? Information 1.List of programmes 2.Specific Entrance Requirements and 2014 admission scores and calculation 4.Predicted grades Strategy – Interest, Ability, Ambition and Prospect
1. List of programmes Go To Website Participating-Institutions Programmes Information Any of the universities List of Programmes
Summary of Entrance Requirements of UGC- funded Institutions under the NAS for 2015 Admission content/uploads/2014/11/03_HKACMGM_Requ irement_UGC_2015.pdf 2. Specific Entrance Requirements
Go To Website Useful Materials Admissions Scores of Participating-Institutions and 2014 admission scores
Higher than predicted grades Lower than predicted grades Equal to predicted grades Associate Degree / Higher Diploma 4. Predicted grades
To be done in Form 5 and Form 6 JUPAS Briefingsss… Personality test E-APP Briefing and multiple pathway sharing Alumni sharing on JUPAS choice and other study options Individual counseling conducted by teachers Job-related mock interviews and Formal dressing day
JUPAS interview workshops (optional) Summer internship Pre-HKDSE seminar (July 2016) Post-HKDSE teacher support To be done in Form 5 and Form 6
When will JUPAS application start? Mid-September 2015 (for 2016 university entry)
How to prepare for JUPAS? Visit University Information Days (Sept – Nov 2015) Select a draft of 20 Programmes (Summer Assignment) OEA and Additional Information (supporting documents) Attend career talks and visits Visit Careers Website am/ Meet the deadlinessss for JUPAS Application
Self-financing Degree Sub-Degree Programmes, eg Associate Degree Programme (AD), Higher Diploma Programme (HD) Vocational studies EAPP (Apply in Dec 2015) Overseas Studies, eg UK, Canada, Taiwan, Mainland Multiple Pathways
Communicate Interest and ability Set realistic goals (Degree and Sub-degree programmes) Dig out the information on the interested pathways or those related to the goals Suggestions for Parents
Possible pathways with levels attained in HKDSE
Questions raised by parents: What is the way to compare my child’s grades with the university admission cut-off grades of last year to assess the child’s chances of getting admission to different courses in various universities in Hong Kong? What is the percentage of student who get a place into University in the past 3 years ? For non-Chinese students, what are the chances of getting a job in HK after attending university in HK?