Sabie Valley Macadamias 24 June 2015
Verios Verios Agro (Pty) Ltd est. May 2005. Sourcing, manufacturing and assembly of specialist Plant Performance products and programmes. Exclusive access to product range from biggest Biostimulant company: Goemar Laboratories, France. In house manufacturing of high tech biologicals. Plant Performance – not pest, disease, ferts. NOVON distribution channel locally. RSA, Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe.
Macadamia critical areas Spring Flush: Strong and early Photosynthesis – mature leaves during nut fill Active Roots – optimal nutrient uptake (Ca, B) Plant physiology – redistribution, translocation Flowering: Plant physiology Flower development – strong, even Early development – fertility, good set, cell division. Nut Drop – limit, stress factors Autumn Flush: Storing reserves Photosynthesis, Active Roots Plant physiology – stress during production cycle, water and nutrient management
Verios Plant Performance StimuMac – a management tool developed to enable trees to deliver optimal performance despite seasonal, root zone difficulties: Unique combination of four products in a programme that activate, stimulate and strengthen roots and general tree performance. Synergistic effect between products in programme Applied during critical stages: Aug/Sept and Nov/Dec Applied through irrigation system Marketed as StimuRoot since 2005 and specialised for macadamia in 2012
Verios Plant Performance Goemar – a natural seaweed filtrate of unique origin and metabolite make up which acts as a physio activator to stimulate root activity, plant metabolism and poly-amine synthesis: NOT just a Kelp Poly-amines are essential for fertility, set and early development. Activation of plant physiology improves nutrient uptake and redistribution Applied as foliar spray at onset of flowering Improved yield and quality (NB) Improved sustainable production (ON-ON years)
Verios Plant Performance Optimum yield and quality Improved sustainable production (ON-ON years) Reduced risk of production Improved orchard productive lifespan
Thank you: