Geoscience Australia EGM, 9-11 Nov. 05 – AG & LAS Slide 1 Day: Thursday 10 th November Session: Speaker: Peter Holland Topic:Australian Government
Geoscience Australia EGM, 9-11 Nov. 05 – AG & LAS Slide 2 Australian Government Geoscience Australia AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT & LAND ADMINISTRATION SYSTEMS
Geoscience Australia EGM, 9-11 Nov. 05 – AG & LAS Slide 3 OUTLINE A good Land Administration System Authorities of Australian Government and Land Administration Systems Spatial data policy Gaps in data availability Conclusions
Geoscience Australia EGM, 9-11 Nov. 05 – AG & LAS Slide 4 A GOOD LAS A system or systems for recording land ownership, land values, land use and other land-related data A good LAS will: Guarantee ownership and security of tenure; Support land and property taxation; Provide security for credit; Develop and monitor land markets; Protect State lands; Reduce land disputes; Facilitate land reform; Improve urban planning and infrastructure development; Support environmental management; and Produce statistical data.
Geoscience Australia EGM, 9-11 Nov. 05 – AG & LAS Slide 5 AUTHORITIES OF AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT & LAS These authorities include: Taxation; Census and statistics; Banking and insurance; Communication; Defence; and Pensions and allowances.
Geoscience Australia EGM, 9-11 Nov. 05 – AG & LAS Slide 6 AUTHORITIES OF AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT & LAS (2) Present administrative arrangements include: Treasury and finance and administration; Transport and regional services; Defence & Attorney-General; Human services, health & ageing, family and community services; Environment and heritage; Communications, information technology and the arts; Agriculture, fisheries and forestry; and Industry, tourism and resources.
Geoscience Australia EGM, 9-11 Nov. 05 – AG & LAS Slide 7 SPATIAL DATA POLICY Essential elements of policy: Fundamental spatial data is provided free of charge over the Internet, at no more than marginal cost of transfer for packaged products, and full cost of transfer for customised services; No restrictions on commercial value-adding to listed fundamental datasets; each transaction subject to licence; and Australian Government will negotiate multilateral agreement with States and Territories for access to spatial datasets.
Geoscience Australia EGM, 9-11 Nov. 05 – AG & LAS Slide 8 SPATIAL DATA POLICY (2) In , Australian Government: Delivered 220,000 copies of schedule datasets, increase of 318%; Spent $80 million on spatial data maintenance, an increase of 8%; Earned revenue of $2.4 million from sales of schedule datasets, an increase of 54%; and Introduced whole-of-government licence registration service and developed new metadata profile based ISO
Geoscience Australia EGM, 9-11 Nov. 05 – AG & LAS Slide 9 GAPS IN DATA AVAILABILITY PriorityDatasetProductCustodianRequests 1Census dataC-DataABS15 2Administration PSMA14 3 & 4RoadsTransp & topoPSMA13 5CulturalStreetProMapInfo13 6PostcodesPostcode-AusMapInfo11 7Health careHospitalsDoHA10 8BathymetrySeafloorAHS-GA9 9EducationSchoolsDEST9 10ElevationDEMGA8 11 & 12Tenure & useCadastreStates7 13AddressesG-NAFPSMA7 14Govt facilitiesOfficesDoTRS7
Geoscience Australia EGM, 9-11 Nov. 05 – AG & LAS Slide 10 CONCLUSIONS From AG perspective good LAS helps: Efficient operation of the economy & markets Policy & program implementation LAS should not have adverse impact: But traditionally deferred to States Some data gaps filled from LAS: Would want on basis of AG policy WoG issues likely to grow demand from LAS Reform should facilitate national access AG administers some ROR Risk of cadastral creep Need flexible, extendable, interoperable systems