NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Wednesday, January 11, 2012 Meeting
DUES AND T-SHIRTS Dues $10 T-shirts $10 Long sleeve, gray t-shirts See Mrs. Barnes and the officers before you leave.
SERVICE HOUR REQUIREMENTS Complete 3-5 NHS service activities Induction Pennies for Patients Blood Drives Valentine’s Day Rebel Generations NHS Study Group/Tutoring Complete 2-3 outside service activities Teen Court Soup Kitchen (during Spring Break) Habitat for Humanity Volunteering at churches, nursing homes, etc.
REBEL GENERATIONS This is an Open House type of event used to encourage incoming students to get involved in clubs, groups & organizations available here at Lee High School. January 23 Need volunteers to work the NHS booth (set up, take down, answer questions about NHS)
VALENTINE’S DAY Advertising We need posters! Come to Mrs. Barnes‘s room before school or during lunch on Friday. (Or stick around after this afternoon’s meeting) Selling flowers We’ll start selling on January 30 and sell until we run out. We’ll sell them in Mrs. Barnes’ room before school, lunch, and after school. Flower prep We will need NHS members to assist in sorting the carnations to prepare them for delivery. We have to sort the carnations according to classroom and cut the flowers. Students can earn at least 1 hour of service credit for NHS. This is an easy process but it takes time. We need as many of you to help with this as possible. Monday, Feb. 13 th after school Flower delivery See Mrs. Barnes to sign-up to deliver.. If you do not sign up, then you will not be excused from class to deliver flowers. Tuesday, Feb. 14 th during 4 th period
NHS SERVICE ACTIVITIES: NHS Study Group Every Monday Room 514 Sign up on schedule or just show up. Students to make signs. Blood Drive April 9-April 10 (more info to come) Pennies for Patients April 9-13 (more info to come)
FOLLOW US ONLINE NHS website on LHS website Click Organizations You can get a blank NHS Service Hour form here. Follow us on