1 THE MADDEN-JULIAN OSCILLATION AND CALIFORNIA RAINFALL Charles Jones University of California Santa Barbara
2 The Madden-Julian Oscillation Madden and Julian (1972)
4 * Significant case-to-case variability
5 Modulate the variability of the monsoons in Asia-Australia, Africa and Americas Teleconnections with extratropics in both hemispheres Modulate thermocline variability in the tropical Pacific Ocean Influence on forecast skills in the tropics and extratropics
6 Outgoing Longwave Radiation Climatology TCTC TSTS T C < T S
7 MJO Pentads of OLR (winter) Filtered days anomalies EOF of OLR anomalies Active MJO: amplitudes of PC1 and PC2
8 The Life Cycle of the MJO: Convective Activity Jones (2000) Enhanced Convection Suppressed Convection OLR Data are filtered in time (20-90 days) and composites of OLR anomalies are made Time
9 Zonal (U) wind component (850 hPa) is filtered in time (20-90 days) and composites of anomalies are made Westerly anomalies Easterly anomalies Enhanced Convection Time