Remote Sensing for Hazards and Resource Protection in Pacific Latin America NSF PIRE October 2005-September 2010
Agenda General Project Issues/Items –PIRE Program Meeting Travel Enhancing Language/Cultural Preparations Reporting –Reminder of Availability of Undergrad Assts Samples of some projects: Anna, John L., Alex M. Upcoming Field Work Plans: –Guatemala –El Salvador –Panama Travel Items Additional Discussion
PIRE NSF Program for Partnerships in International Research and Education –1 st Cohort (12 projects) was funded in Fall 2005 –2 nd Cohort Fall 2007 – from=homehttp:// from=home –Two other PIRE 1 projects in “hazards”: US/Russia/Japan Partnership in Volcanology (UAF, UWash, UMaryland) Offshore Sediments & Their Role in Geohazards (UMass et al.) –Unique Aspects of Our Project: Number of Countries (Developing Countries) Number of Student Participants MI/PC program Synergies (e.g., EHaz, …)
Program Project Meeting in DC 10/ nd Program Mtg (1 st was May 2006) 1 PI and 1 Student Invited from PIRE 1s, 1 PI from PIRE 2s. PIRE 1s described: –Successes: Types of student participants Program recognition Growth of activities –Challenges: Administrative burdens International travel complications Language and cultural preparations
Reporting Annual: August –People –Partners –Other Collaborators –PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND FINDINGS (1) major research and education activities (2) products: pubs, presentations, tools, etc. –Synergistic Developments –“Nuggets” – new, exciting, out-of-the-ordinary findings Report on these after trips and as it happens
Publicity Pictures/Movies: –The “money shots” are those that show us working with foreign counterparts –We currently have too many pictures to find the good ones, provide your top 5 upon returning from trips Web Pages –Need individual web pages for each member that describes his/her research –Post resources (pics, research briefs, etc.)
Specific to Our Project Successes: –Students –Achievements Challenges –Reporting –Publicity –Coordination/Cross-pollination –Language
MTU Language and Cultural Preparations Classes: –Spanish Language –Intercultural Natural Hazards Communication in Latin America –EHaz Other: –Latin Movie Night –…
Upcoming Field Work Guiding Principles for Participation: –Everyone has the opportunity to take part in an international research activity –Compatibility of specific research needs, individual skill sets, and research plans/interests –Logistical issues (availability, room, etc.) January 2008: Guatemala March 2008: El Salvador and Panama
Travel Fly America Act (abide by it) Travel Advances (tickets and $) Estimate: $39/d for food, $??/d for accommodations, + $??gas & rental car $30/(work day) Stipends for Undergrads and Foreign Counterparts, handled separately Foreign counterparts are reimbursed separately, WORK IT OUT IN ADVANCE E23389 is primary index (account) for project. E23390 is for “participants” (undergrads, foreign counterparts, grad students whose participation is not directly linked to their thesis/dissertation research)