Art 155 Information Architecture In-class Presentation Week 15B
Art 155 :: Information Architecture :: Week 15 :: B In-class Presentation :: calendar
Art 155 :: Information Architecture :: Week 15 :: B In-class Presentation :: today’s agenda Today is the last day to work on the group research project. I will coordinate with all project managers and assemble all final assets at the end of class. When you are done with all of your group research responsibilities, work on your visual comps/home page redesigns (the other part of your final project - due during the final week of classes).
Art 155 :: Information Architecture :: Week 15 :: B In-class Presentation :: homework Continue to work on your visual home page redesigns. Be sure to show them to me during the design process for feedback. due ::
Art 155 :: Information Architecture :: Week 15 :: B In-class Presentation :: final project due :: There are two parts to your final assignment: 1.Group Research Project: We will all collect data and create the following: A web site to display our findings Various visual charts/graphs/tables/etc to display data A short paper/brief write-up to be placed on the web site 2.1st Draft Comp/Visual Design/Mockup of your redesigned site Home Page After all of the hard work that you put into the redesign of your client site, you now need to produce one visual comp of the home page. EXTRA CREDIT: for those who would like to increase their grade (or make up for their lack of class participation - you know who you are), you can produce more than one visual comp of your redesigned site. It must be significantly different - a completely different theme - in order to receive credit. due ::