TOPICS The emergency of means is guaranteed is from the presence to edge of a device in a position to finding anomalous situations is from the presence of one Centers them Operating H24 in a position to recognizing the anomalous situation and to take part in order to resolve the event. The means will come equipped of an onboard equipment that could (optionally) be interfacciato with: Systems antitheft of series and not Sensors to every opening (porter, cowling) Push-button antipanic Sistema for I listen acclimatizes them discreet System for the putting in motion on procedure through code of release and acknowledgment code driver
FUNCTIONALITIES Localization: performance that concurs the control of the respect of the programmed route like distance, timetables, and dwell times Visualization of the position: to the operating ones of they Centers Operating is possible in every moment to visualize the position, or to establish calls to time from the periphery to the center.
FUNCTIONALITIES They Centers Operating guarantees the control of the totality of the engaged fleet, is directed that indirect. In fact the Given Management of the Base, in format SQL SERVEUR, concurs to record every relative information to the composition of the fleet and the coming from dynamic data from means. · It centers It them Operating is opened to all the services thanks to the Management of Territorial Informative Sistema of type GIS that consists in one cartographic rappresentazione georeferenziata of the territory · the Management of the Historian; the certifyd recording of every exchange of data in one historical is richiamabile, for tipologia of means, so as to to concur the analysis of whichever previous mission
SECURITY PROTCOLS Vehicle Protocol Driver Protocol Operating Center Protocol
SECURITY PROTCOLS Vehicle Protocol Every single half person must indicate the responsibles of Centers them Operating the nominative case of one person in charge for the emergency and its substitute. The same one will come opportunely instructd on the procedures to adopt. They Centers Operating will have to receive the Plans of Travel in order to concur alla same to supply the previewed Internal Security Services.
SECURITY PROTCOLS Driver Protocol At the moment of the departure the push-button IN TRAVEL marked from the extinction of a led yellow and from a led must visually be pressed green, or to activate, when available pin the tails, or the tag relative to the system. When the means reach in one of the points previewed from the route or change route, the driver will carry out the maneuvers defined from the protocol of Centers them.
SECURITY PROTCOLS Operating Center Protocol It centers them Operating work dividend in three makes the own activity: Normal Ruotine Preallarme Alarm
SECURITY PROTCOLS Operating Center Protocol Normal Ruotine In this phase centers it them work the normal controls of ruotine and second receives the calls to time from means the identified procedures; more just the onboard equipment to time sendes to centers them the state of means, the speed, the direction of the motion, the geographic position. These calls to time can be intensified for particular requirements directly from center them In every moment however the system is armed and ready launch it independently marks them of alarm from the formulation of the described times of call over
SECURITY PROTCOLS Operating Center Protocol Preallarme E' the phase of little minuteren in which there is the reasonable certainty that has taken place an event stranger to previewed how much. During this phase the operator more just carries out expresses coordinations towards means and: * he second tries a telephone contact with the driver and verification the nature of the alarm the sopraindicate procedures * it opens the system of I listen and to insaputa of the occupants the verification how much happens to edge
SECURITY PROTCOLS Operating Center Protocol Alarm After to have found, through the procedures of the phase of NORMAL RUOTINE, than to edge of means it has been taken place qualche.cosa of anomalous, the operator passes to the management of the phase of ALARM immediately, with the immediate adoption, in any case, of the procedures previewed for one criminal action Every variation will verify the position of means recording; it will activate a continuous contact, in shape tracking, recording every movement It will control, respect the geographic position of means, to which Police enforcements to address the signalling of the event and will establish with same a solid contact for the transfer of fax (or ) having contained the reached data of the event from database of the system and the geographic position from which the alarms come In practical it will send to the Police enforcements, with fast sequence, the rappresentazione of how much appears on the monitor of centers them, or better to turn the information on the portale classified Internet to the institutional bodies Moreover the operator of Centers them where coadiuverà demanded the Police enforcements supplying all the elements thought useful for an express and definitive participation
VIRTUAL OPERATING CENTER It centers them Operating Virtual, to use through Internet, has main characteristic following: availability on a normal PC with the access to Internet; such access is advisable is of fast type (ADSL, etc.) interrogation and visualization of the position of the vehicle in real Time on detailed to digital cartography them interrogation and visualization of the positions passages and the distance carried out from a vehicle in a specified temporal arc
ON BOARD DEVICE “MINI EVOLUTION” Peripheral Evolution Miniums are in a position to finding the opening of the doors, the ignition of means, the activation of an eventual burglar alarm already installed on means or to manage same it a system of burglar alarm with remote control from we supplied. The peripheral one is moreover supply of a sensor of integrated movement, of series, that it is in a position to finding the eventual movement of the extinguished motor vehicle and to signal it to Centers them. In case of start of the motor or opening of the doors with active burglar alarm the peripheral one will send the alarm to Centers them Operating. Possible E' moreover, in case you wish it, to install on means a nertial sensor, that it comes connected to the peripheral one so that in case of violent collision or capovolgimento of means determines the shipment of an alarm to Centers them Operating.
ON BOARD DEVICE “MINI EVOLUTION” The apparatus MINIUMS EVOLUTION is a planned device in order to resist to the atmospheric agents (extreme water, powder, temperatures, etc.) and to the mechanical sollicitations. The feeding, beyond that from the battery of means, it can be independent, taking advantage of two types of batteries: reloadable with not reloadable average life from 4 days to 12 days with average life from 10 days to 40 days Moreover the apparatus is in a position to recording on memory flash circular until positions; the positions come recorded with logical following: upon request to predefined intervals of time to intervals of distance covered on prow variation
Via Matteotti, Calcio (BG) Italy Tel. 0363/ Fax. 0363/