ANNOUNCEMENTS First hour exam Wednesday 2/7; review session Monday 2/ , here Starting today, if you forgot your clicker you are in bad bad trouble (remember your phone, remember your clicker) NOTE THIS: One of the chief complaints from last fall was, this class is too hard for a 100-level class. This class is “as hard” as a 400-level class, I just don’t expect you to have ANY knowledge of geology to start with.
ANNOUNCEMENTS I need PINs from: Ahumada, Barreda,Boykin, Buchanan, Civetta, Clausen, Dickason, Dunbar, Duvick, Escalante, Fears, Fix, Goffena, Gonzalez, Hunt, Hurst, Jimerfield, Jones, Krupoff, Magaldi, Mayon, Meehan, Moehr, Nelson, Rawls, Rumack, Sillin, Slade, Taylor, Watson me your PIN please
Clickers, please (just turn them on in general when you get to class)
“Muddiest point”: which concept on Monday made the least sense to you? 1.Depth of divergent-margin earthquakes 2.Depth of transform fault earthquakes 3.Strike and dip 4.Strike-slip faults vs dip-slip faults 5.It was all clear enough; I could explain it to my group if I had to
TODAY More on faults –normal, reverse, thrust, left lateral AND right lateral Terminology of earthquakes –focus –epicenter –fault trace –magnitude –intensity The video if there is time, otherwise Friday New homework… And, of course, clickers throughout!
Dip-slip faults Tell the person next to you what kind of fault is shown here (normal or reverse?)
Strike-slip fault
Tell your neighbor what kind of fault this is (you are looking down on the rock, as if from an airplane)
Turn on your clickers please…
What sort of fault is this? (looking at a cliff of rock in Chino Valley) 1.Right-lateral strike slip 2.Left-lateral strike slip 3.Normal 4.Reverse 5.Thrust
What sort of fault is this? (looking at a cliff of rock in Chino Valley) 1.Right-lateral strike slip 2.Left-lateral strike slip 3.Normal 4.Reverse 5.Thrust
What sort of fault is this? (looking down from an airplane) 1.Right-lateral strike slip 2.Left-lateral strike slip 3.Normal 4.Reverse 5.Thrust
What sort of fault is this? (looking down from an airplane) 1.Right-lateral strike slip 2.Left-lateral strike slip 3.Normal 4.Reverse 5.Thrust
Some terms…
HOMEWORK, due by 5 PM Monday (remember this ppt is on the class website) Go to Click on the World (Magnitude 4+) map. Chose an area in the world by clicking on it Choose an earthquake by clicking on it Keep clicking until you get the information about the earthquake, then (see next page)
HOMEWORK, due by 5 PM Monday, continued Send me an with the location (and be precise -- what part of what country) date magnitude depth to the focus of the earthquake the plate tectonic setting: what kind of boundary, or is it intra-plate? Use your textbook! AND (next page, please)
HOMEWORK, due by 5 PM Monday, continued In that same , find one place on earth where an earthquake occurred along a subduction zone; tell me where and when and depth find one place on earth where an earthquake occurred along a divergent zone; tell me where and when and depth find one place on earth where an earthquake occurred along a transform fault; tell me where and when and depth (next page, please)
HOMEWORK, due by 5 PM Monday, continued THE SUBJECT LINE OF YOUR is: GLG 112 (your last name) YOU MAY WORK WITH another person if you want
The video… is a bit sappy, but has great information, so pay attention to –the different hazards discussed –the concept of seismic gap, and –earthquake prediction EVERYTHING in class (including a video, hint, hint) is fair game for the exam