Negative & Positive Aspects of Expanding Local Attractions Future of Tourism
Negative Aspects of Expanding Local Attractions Expansions of tourist attractions have not always created good results. An example of this is Bangladesh, a poor country trying to industrialize and move out of poverty. The growth of the tourism industry in Bangladesh’s mountain areas was supposed to be a boom for Bangladesh but due to its poverty and poor educational system, there are not enough skilled workers to work in the tourism industry.
Expansion has also led some Bangladeshis to complain that “eco-piracy”, (the destruction of the environment due to uncontrolled growth), is occurring, and that there is increased conflict between the army and locals in the mountain areas.
Imagine the community that you live in has become a major tourist attraction because of an amusement theme park. It is anticipated that 20 000 tourists will visit the area in the summer or winter season in any given year. Brainstorm and create a list of possible negative effects of tourism expansion on your local area.
The problems in Bangladesh only highlight few of the issues of tourism expansion. The next two slides have a list of problems that may surface due to a rapid expansion
High density development which may lead to straining local facilities such as water, sewage, and roadways; Government funding may be changed from other forms of important economic activity; Create social conflicts through differences in values and attitudes;
Increase crime rates; Impacts the natural environment (eco- piracy); Increase the land values so local people cannot afford to buy; Increase the value of services and products that local residents cannot afford.
Positive Aspects of Expanding Local Attractions There have been instances where tourism development has created a great response in the community. As mentioned in an earlier unit Costa Rica, which has invested heavily in ecotourism, has brought great benefits to that country.
Costa Rica is known for its ability to have tourist attractions that are authentic, sustainable and exotic. Costa Rica bases their tourism on the jungles, volcanoes, rivers and waterfalls, Latin American culture, and beautiful beaches on two coasts – the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea.
Another example of benefits of tourism is the Fraser Coast in Queensland, Australia. Fraser Coast, Australia’s beautiful beaches has created new jobs, improved residential and transportation land use, new businesses, preserved the environment, and made the region more diversified and not reliant on the standard sources of income like mining and farming.
The benefits in Costa Rica and the Fraser Coast only highlight few of the issues of tourism expansion. The next two slides have a list of benefits that may surface due to a rapid expansion:
In the last activity you imagined that the community that you live has become a major tourist attraction because of an amusement theme park. It is anticipated that 20 000 tourists will visit the area in the summer or winter season in any given year. Brainstorm and create a list of possible positive effects of tourism expansion on your local area.
Multiplier effect that increases the number of jobs and businesses; Increase in the flow of money into the region; Salaries increase and improves the quality of life; Improves and creates new roads, highways, railways, airports, etc.;
Increase government revenues through taxes and fees; Need to conserve local resources and make development sustainable; Allows for the access of modern technology and services; Allows for the creation for new recreational and social facilities.