ABSTRACT THailand Emisson Model (THEM) was developed and implemented emission pre-processor for use in Community Multi-scale Air Quality Model (CMAQ) over Map Ta Phut (MTP) industry complex area. Emission Inventories were obtained from MIC-ASIA, THEI2010, and Rayong Province, respectively. THEM was successfully run to prepare Emission inputs for 30s resolution, hour allocation profile, CB-IV speciation that will be then used to simulate CMAQ. Future development will be discussed. Keywords: Thailand, Emissions Model, Precursors, GHGs DESIGN FRAMEWORK SUMMARY & CONCLUSION THEM Implementation for CMAQ Simulation over Map Ta Phut Area of Thailand Chatchawan Vongmahadlek *,1, Narisara Thongboonchoo 2, Prapat Pongkiatkul 3 1) Engineering Control Department, Nuclear Engineering Division, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), Nonthaburi, Thailand 2) Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Bangkok, Thailand 3) Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Bangkok, Thailand *Corresponding & Presenting author Second Workshop on Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Monsoon (ACAM) 8-10 June 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand MAP TA PHUT Emissions – year 2010 THEM FOR CMAQ THEM Modeling Framework begins with the domain configuration by the query of emission inventory database (grid or point) and coordinate from meteorological model (MM5/WRF). Then, basic emission preprocessor of temporal, speciation, and projection will be performed to calculate the amount of emissions. Emission merge and gapfill may be considered to fulfill emission grid. Format conversion from ASCII to BINARY will be made at the end. For this study, IOAPI/NETCDF was used to prepare emission input for use in CMAQ. REFERENCES REVIEW CEMS DATA Factories Stack Information Plume Rise SHORELINE Seasalt Emission Surf zone Land-sea Breeze NATURAL MEGAN for Biogenic Emission Wind Erosion Fugitive Emission AGRICULTURE Seasonal Planting and Harvest Forestry and Farm Yields Biomass Burning ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Table 1. Comparison of Emission Models FUTURE The author would like to thank MTP, EGAT, KMUTT, KMITL for his kind help in technical data, information, question and answer. Special appreciation will be delivered to KMUTT High Performance Cluster (HPC) for computational support and the heavy run. This study is funded under the MTP Project Phase I on Emission Inventory Development for use in Air Quality Model. 1.Vongmahadlek C THailand Emission Inventory 2010 (THEI-2010). Proceedings of Better Air Quality 2012, Hongkong 2.SMOKE v3.0 User’s Manual The Institute for the Environment at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. 3.Byun D.W. and Ching J.K Science Algorithms of the EPA Model-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System. Fig 1. THEM Modeling Framework Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emission (SMOKE) FORTRAN Based - F90 Takes advantage of high performance supercomputer techniques Part of Models-3 System Uses NetCDF file format Emissions Processing System (EPS3) FORTRAN Based Modular and Flexible Designed primarily for urban rather than regional applications Widely used for a variety of applications inside/outside US EMS2000 SAS Based, uses ARCINFO takes advantage of Unix for control of job stream uses temperature file for accurate MV emission factor used in the LMOS and OTAG applications CONCEPT PostGres SQL based Open Source software Bottom up design Ability to query intermediate processing steps State-Of-The-Practice (SOTP) Fully emission processing and modeling Consider Relational Database Management System (RDMS) Design for flexible user-friendly command line interface Support many AQM format Build-in and Include extension tools Provide user guide available (in Thai) Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) Simple domain design with an alignment to Met. Model Quality report for cross error checking Audit Allow user to keep track, transparency, and interrupt at any process Possibility to Roll back or undo Efficiency High performance Code by Fortran and C language (Python for GUI) Apply Multi Processing Command through network-of-piping-operand GOAL SOTPAUDITEFFQA/QC Fig 3. Map Ta Phut Industrial Complex (MTPIE, 2014) Fig 2. MTP Spatial Distribution (TOP), Hourly Allocation Profile (MID), and CB-IV Chemical Speciation (BOTTOM) 1. THEM Design and Develop Fortran & C Language Command-line Interface Speed & Usability 2. Emission Model & Process Spatial & Temporal Profile Chemical Speciation Emission Tools 3. MTP Emission Inputs for CMAQ MICS-ASIC, THEI2010, and Rayong EI 30s Grid (sub-district level) Hourly Temporal Profile CB-IV Chemical Speciation IOAPI/NETCDF Format 4. Future Implementation CEMS Data Shoreline Natural Agriculture