Aerodynamics QDR AAE451 – Team 3 October 9, 2003 Brian Chesko Brian Hronchek Ted Light Doug Mousseau Brent Robbins Emil Tchilian
AAE 451 Team 3 2 Airfoil Selection Wing C L determined –From constraint diagram (W/S) = 1.38 –Dynamic pressure, q, for cruise conditions, and for near stall conditions. Rectangular wing geometry chosen for ease of construction, section lift coefficients found based on elliptical lift distribution. Section Lift coefficients found at Cruise and Max lift conditions. Examined different foils that would satisfy the above Cl at minimum drag.
AAE 451 Team 3 3 Airfoil Selection Rectangular Wing Cl distribution : Cruise: H = 1000ft V = 50ft/s Re = M = Elliptical Lift Distribution for minimum induced Drag
AAE 451 Team 3 4 Airfoil Selection Based on the Cl variation (0-0.6), Xfoil was used to examine suitable foils.
AAE 451 Team 3 5 Airfoil Selection Based on Drag Bucket location NACA 4412 was chosen.
AAE 451 Team 3 6 Airfoil Performance NACA 4412, Cl generated for near stall Conditions H = Sl V = 33ft/s Re = M =
AAE 451 Team 3 7 Airfoil Performance NACA 4412 Foil, Rectangular planform, no taper, no sweep. AR =5, Chord =2.8 ft, Span = 14 ft CL = 1.29, CD = (V=33 ft/s), CL = 0.481, CD = (V=50ft/s) S = 39 ft^2
AAE 451 Team 3 8 Questions?