Fractals Joceline Lega Department of Mathematics University of Arizona
Outline Mathematical fractals Julia sets Self-similarity Fractal dimension Diffusion-limited aggregation Fractals and self-similar objects in nature Fractals in man-made constructs Aesthetical properties of fractals Conclusion
Julia sets The pictures on the left represent a (rotated) Julia set. Consider iterations of the transformation defined in the plane by where c r and c i are parameters. Example: c r = 0, c i = 1
Julia sets (continued) More concisely,. Choose a pair of parameters (c r,c i ). If iterates of the point z 0 with coordinates (x 0,y 0 ) remain bounded, then this point is part of the corresponding Julia set. If not, one can use a color scheme to indicate how fast iterates of (x 0,y 0 ) go to infinity. Here, the darker the tone of red, the faster iterates go to infinity.
Douady's rabbit fractal The fractal shown below is the Julia set for c r = , c i = 0.745
Siegel disk fractal The fractal shown below is the Julia set for c r = c=-0.391, c i =
Julia sets As one varies (c r,c i ), the “complexity” of the corresponding Julia set changes as well. The movie shows the Julia sets for c i = 0.534, and c r varying between 0.4 and 0.6. One would like to measure the “level of complexity” of each Julia set.
Fractal dimension Consider an object on the plane and cover it with squares of side length L. Call N(L) the number of squares needed. For a smooth curve, N(L) ~ 1/L = L -1 and. For a fractal curve, the fractal dimension is such that d f > 1.
Fractal dimension of Julia sets D. Ruelle showed that the fractal dimension of the Julia set of the quadratic map is where c = c r + i c i, |c| 2 =c r 2 +c i 2. In the movie shown before, |c| 2 =c r , with 0.4 ≤ c r ≤0.6. The fractal dimension measures the “level of complexity” of the fractal.
Diffusion-limited aggregation Place a seed (black dot) in the plane. Release particles which perform a random walk. If the particle touches, the seed, it sticks to it and a new particle is released. If a particle wanders off the box, it is eliminated and a new particle is released.
Conclusions Fractals are mathematical objects which are self-similar at all scales. One way of characterizing them is to measure their fractal dimension. Many objects found in nature are self- similar, and the fractal dimension of landscape features is close to 1.3. The human eye appears to be tuned so that objects with a fractal dimension close to 1.3 are aesthetically pleasing. Such ideas can be used to create fractal- based virtual landscapes.
Virtual landscape Created with Terragen™
Examples of research projects Exploring Julia sets Complex variables (MATH 421, 424) Proof course (MATH 322) MATLAB Understanding DLA Probability (MATH 464) MATLAB Applications to bacterial colonies and other growth models ODEs (MATH 454) and PDEs (MATH 456) MATLAB Numerical Analysis (MATH 475) Exploring self-similarity in nature and in the laboratory.
Homework problems Julia sets How would you set up a computer program to plot Julia sets? Use MATLAB to set up such a code. DLA Design a computer code that simulates the random walk of a particle. The simulation should stop if the particle leaves the box or reaches a pre- defined cluster inside the box. Program this in MATLAB.