Lygus Management Survey Instructions: Please follow along and respond on the form provided. Check all that apply & fill in the blanks where indicated. Individual survey responses are confidential.
Survey Information Focus: Lygus management practices and resources (PCAs, growers, others) Participation is voluntary Anonymous & Confidential No personal information collected Contact person: Dr. Al Fournier, Thank you!
6A. Lygus Sampling in Cotton a.Management decisions are not based on any specific sampling method b.Use sweep net samples: a.___ sweeps from ___ sites within an average field c.Use half-grown square method: a.___ squares from ___ sites within an average field d.My PCA does the sampling and I am not sure of the methodology e.Use other sampling methods (please describe)
6B. Lygus Sampling in e.g., Seed Alfalfa a.Management decisions are not based on any specific sampling method b.Sweep net samples: ___ sweeps from ___ sites within an average field c.Based only on when bees are present / absent in field d.Based on % flowering of crop. = _____ % e.My PCA does the sampling and I am not sure of the methodology f.Other sampling methods (please describe)
7A. Thresholds - Cotton a.Treat when at least ___ total Lygus (adults + nymphs) are counted in ___ sweeps b.Treat when at least ___ total Lygus with ___ nymphs are counted in ___ sweeps c.Treat based on adult counts only ___ adults in ___ sweeps d.Treat based on nymph counts only ___ nymphs in ___ sweeps e.Treat when ___% of squares show injury f.Do not treat based on specific thresholds g.Not sure
7B. Thresholds - another crop a.Treat when at least ___ total Lygus (adults + nymphs) are counted in ___ sweeps b.Treat when at least ___ total Lygus with ___ nymphs are counted in ___ sweeps c.Treat based on adult counts only ___ adults in ___ sweeps d.Treat based on nymph counts only ___ nymphs in ___ sweeps e.Treat when ___% of squares show injury f.Do not treat based on specific thresholds g.Not sure
8. Lygus Management Resources For each question, let us know your awareness / use of the following Lygus management information resources. –1 Not familiar with it –2 Familiar with it, never use it –3 Rarely use it –4 Sometimes use it –5 Frequently use it
Arizona Resources (1) AZ1. Arizona Crop Information Site (ACIS) AZ2. Extension bulletin “Identification, Biology and Management (of Lygus)” AZ3. Extension bulletin “Implementing (Lygus) action thresholds” AZ4. Extension bulletin “An Integrated Pest Management Plan for AZ” (Lygus)
Arizona Resources (2) AZ5. Extension bulletin “Growing alfalfa for seed in Arizona” AZ6. Extension bulletin “Common insect contaminants in Arizona lettuce” AZ7. UA Extension chemical use guidelines for Lygus mangement AZ8. Online (ACIS) presentations about Lygus mangement
California Resources (1) CA0. UC Plant Protection Quarterly newsletter / website CA1. UC “IPM Online” website or printed guidelines CA2. UC Pest Management Guidelines (PMG) for cotton (print/online) CA3. UC PMG for strawberry (print/online)
California Resources (2) CA4. UC PMG for dry beans CA5. UC PMG for cole crops and lettuce CA6. “Field guide to the most common Lygus species of the central SJV” CA7. “Key Features of Common Lygus Species in the Central San Joaquin Valley” CA8. UC Plant Protection Quarterly article “Managing Lygus bug in a regional context”
California Resources (3) CA9. UC Plant Protection Quarterly article “Managing Lygus in the landscape” CA10. “Lygus Summit” proceedings (2000) CA11. The Safflower Model
California Resources (4): UC IPM Manuals CA12. Cotton IPM Manual CA13. Strawberry IPM Manual CA14. Other IPM manual (specify crop) CA15. Other IPM manual (specify crop)
California Resources (5) CA16.Blackeye Bean Production in CA CA17. Color Photo Guide of Drybean Pests CA18. UC Alfalfa Website CA19. UC Cotton Info Website CA20. Mitefax CA21. Cotton Field Check
Texas Resources (1) TX 1.“Focus on South Plains Agriculture” website / newsletter TX 2.Extension bulletin “Managing cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains & Trans Pecos areas of TX” TX 3.Extension bulletin “Suggested insecticides for managing cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains & Trans Pecos areas of TX”
Texas Resources (2) TX 4.Beltwide Cotton Conference Proceedings “Lygus survey in TX High Plains” TX 5.Beltwide Cotton Conference Proceedings “When is a cotton boll safe from Lygus hesperus damage?” TX 6.Beltwide Cotton Conference Proceedings “Evaluation of host preference in Lygus hesperus”
Texas Resources (3) TX 7.Beltwide Cotton Conference Proceedings “Sampling Lygus bugs in West TX” TX 8.IPM Agents TX 9.West Texas Agricultural Chemicals Institute annual conference TX 10.High Plains Association of crop Consultants annual meeting
Texas Resources (4) TX 11.Cotton Resource DVD TX 12.West Plains Cotton Conference, Levelland TX 13.Caprock Cotton Production Conference, Crosbyton TX 14.Southern Mesa Agriculture Conference, Lamesa TX 15.Llano Estacado Cotton Conference, Muleshoe
Texas Resources (5) TX 16.Sandyland Agriculture Conference, Seminole TX 17.Hale and Swisher County Crop Conference TX 18.Cotton Production Workshop, Lubbock TX 19.Texas Pest Management Association Conference, San Angelo TX 20.Cotton Warm-up, Dimmitt
General Resources (1) G1. Cooperative Extension advice (indicate state or states) G2. Agrochemical company advice G3. Advice from neighbors / colleagues G4. Extension meetings / workshops G5. Company meetings / workshops G6. Entomology professional journals
G7. Agriculture or pest control trade magazines G8. Picture keys of Lygus species, nymphs G9. eXtension Cotton Community (website) G10. Other websites (list up to 3) G11. Other resources (list up to 3) General Resources (2)
Question 9: What lacking Lygus management resources would you like to see developed?