Consumer Behavior1 LIFESTYLE
Consumer Behavior3 Bare Necessities over Years
Consumer Behavior4 LIST OF VALUES l Self-respect l Security l Warm relationships with others l Sense of accomplishment l Self-fulfillment l Being well respected l Sense of belonging l Fun; enjoyment; excitement
Consumer Behavior5 LIST OF VALUES Value l Self-respect 21% 23% l Security l Warm relationships with others l Sense of accomplishment l Self-fulfillment 10 7 l Being well respected 9 6 l Sense of belonging 8 5 l Fun; enjoyment; excitement 5 7
Consumer Behavior6 LIST OF VALUES Value 1986 l Self-respect 23% l Security 17 l Warm relationships with others 20 l Sense of accomplishment 16 l Self-fulfillment 7 l Being well respected 6 l Sense of belonging 5 l Fun; enjoyment; excitement 7
Consumer Behavior7 VALS II
Consumer Behavior8 VALS II SEGMENTS