Mainz: Contributions to the LArg-Calorimeter Purity monitoring of the liquid argon and temperature measurement in the three cryostats - Old electronics had to be replaced - System developed for ATLAS was suitable with some modification - Read-out of 30 PT-100 per cryostat - Required Software: - Firmware (Xilinx FPGA) - Front-End Software (LabView) - EPICS to communicate with HV-crate controller and with DAQ - Python for visualization in Control-Room Online-Calibration ( in collaboration with french groups from Orsay and Paris ) - Python code to control calibration pulsers - GUI to set DAC value, ramp... - Tools for debugging/monitoring of the calibration boards and crates (including GUIs)
D0 Purity Monitor Readout Purity Monitors: 4 -sources ( 241 Am) and 1 -source ( 106 Ru) per cryostat Problem: 106 Ru-sources are 10y old with only t 1/2 =1y Signals: ca. 5fC (30000 e 0 ) over coax cable of 6-15m length Special PreAmp needed V.Radeka (BNL) Boost signal before digitization Different cable length leads to different noise levels need adaptable shaping/triggering Solution: shaping, triggering and histogramming done in a Xilinx SpartanXl FPGA 241 Am +HV
Hardware PreAmp + 100x amplifier and differential driver 10-Bit 40 Ms ADCs Xilinx FPGA (Spartan XL)CAN-Bus Controller RAM 32k x 24Bit (8ns) Purity Monitors: 4 -sources ( 241 Am) and 1 -source ( 106 Ru) per cryostat Problem: 106 Ru-sources are 10y old with only t 1/2 =1y Signals: max. 5fC (30000 e 0 ) over coax cable of 6-15m length
Results from Nov/Dec. Test First setup for purity readout tested in Nov./Dec. (build within 3 weeks!) Read-out of a single -source and 16 PT-100 Signal of 5MeV -particle HV-Curve Extracted O 2 -contamination [ppm]
Calorimeter Temperature Read-Out Each of the 3 cryostat equipped with 270 PT-100 (2-wire) Mainz agreed to read 30 T-probes per cryostat in Oct Only choice: buy equipment ATLAS Local Monitor Box (LMB) ADC: 16 Bit 4Hz with very good filtering Precision achieved at ATLAS Testbeam; 10mK
Final PT-100 read-out Endcap South Central Endcap North 30 PT-100 (2-wire) read out per cryostat by 3 LMBs (ATLAS) 24hour history available on web page d0olnt04/show24h.htm
D0 Pit Movable Counting House (MCH) CAN-Bus (60m) Box containing Purity Monitor and PT-100 readout Ethernet to DAQ
Online Calibration Pulser system to inject defined charge into calorimeter PreAmp intercalibration of calorimeter cells dead channel detection calibration of gain1 and gain8 understand effects of Baseline subtraction (BLS) first guess for absolute energy scale GUI development for calibration pulser (Python code) Control of DAC value calibration ramps timing delays commands for calibration crates
Preamp/ Driver Trig. sum Filter/ Shaper x1 x8 SCA (48 deep) BLS Output Buffer Bank 0 Bank 1 SCA Calorimeter Calibration Calorimeter Electronics
Performance: Linearity 0.2% (DAC 60k)
Time & Control Board Monitoring Monitoring and debugging of the calibration boards/crates GUI to read/write values to registers on the TC board