Later Roman Republic
Shift to slave-based economy Decline of small farmers Slaves run huge plantations Landless Romans can’t join military Corruption everywhere Italian allies have same problems but can’t vote Huge numbers of idle, unemployed people flock to Rome
Divide in politics optimates = rich, connected, old families, don’t want change populares = manipulate common people to gain power, promise to help them Some people really care about the cause, most just want power
Gracchi Brothers Patrician family but populares politicians Tiberius Tribune 133 BC Lex Sempronia Agraria : limit amount of land each person could have; redistribute to poor Didn’t ask Senate – went right to concilium plebis Other tribune vetoed, Tiberius shut down city
129 BC Attalus III of Pergamum gives all land to Rome (new province: Asia Minor)- Tiberius want to use $ to fund law
Death of Tiberius Ran for reelection illegally Beaten to death by senators Thrown in the Tiber
Gaius Gracchus Tribune 123, 122 BC Lex Acilia – iudices to be chosen from equestrians (equites) not senators Gave equestrians tax- collecting contracts in Asia Minor Subsidized grain Anti-corruption measures Public works benefit equestrian businessmen Wanted to give citizenship to Italians
Death of Gaius Led a protest in streets Turned into armed mob Consul Opimius gets SEC (Senatus Consultum Ultimum) against Gaius and attacks him w/ militia Orders his own slave to kill him 3000 supporters killed
Gaius Marius BC Reorganized army to include landless citizens One of the populares Consul 7 times