‘Encouraging the Heart’
A key role of leadership is energizing employees and keeping them engaged Leaders accomplish this by being credible, fostering collaboration, building trust, by recognizing employee contributions, and celebrating successes
Employees tend to be more intrinsically motivated when they feel like they are part of a ‘community’ and when they work with a leader who they trust and consider to be credible
Recognizing Contributions (Chapter 11) 2 essentials Expect the best Personalize recognition
Employees are more motivated when they operate under clear expectations and goals upfront Clear standards/goals keep us on track; they take the guess work out of work Clear standards/goals can make the job more interesting and challenging (in a + way)
Pygmalion Effect Building confidence through expectations What do you communicate about your expectations? Leaders implement the Pygmalion effect to motivate others Leaders are aware of the expectations for employees that they communicate
To be effective, energizing leaders cannot rely solely on the organization’s reward system. Why not??
How do leaders reward more meaningfully? Provide opportunities for both, intrinsic and extrinsic rewards Find out what people value Tie rewards close to behavior Provide personal level rewards – recognition!
Personal recognition is one for the most influential tools leaders have at their disposal for motivating employees What is the motivational impact of personal recognition?
Public recognition is meaningful to some employees, but others may resent it It must be sincere It must tied to some specific effort, act or performance It must be provided in a differentiated manner to be meaningful What is important to remember when providing personal recognition?
How does feeling like part of a community lead to intrinsic motivation? Community’ ‘Community’ elicits: sense of shared values and destiny sense of shared effort & synergy sense of belonging sense of ownership & obligation
Intrinsic motivation in employees can also be enhanced by the leader altering aspects of the job or work the employees do When employees ‘connect’ with their work, they will feel intrinsically motivated to engage in the work
How do leaders foster an intrinsic job connection for their employees? [1] increase autonomy over elements of the job - increase sense of ‘ownership’ [2] allow ees to work on jobs in which they have an inherent interest [3] increase sense of + challenge in the work [4] enhance sense of job’s importance/impact [5] permit them the opportunity to be innovative in their work
Encouraging leadership also entails celebrating values and victories 2 essentials: creating a spirit of community being personally involved
Employees tend to be more motivated when leaders ‘stay in touch’ and maintain personal connection… during good times, and bad