Easter in Poland. Presentation done : by Jacob Musik
Easter is a spring festival, so that we can meet at the same table and eat together Breakfast with your loved ones.
Easter palm trees and Easter decorations we can buy at Easter fairs.
In Poland, the week before Easter, Sunday Palm is the custom ordained palm.
Before Easter we decorate the house, and mostly on Holy Saturday tradition is painting eggs.
On Great Saturday we bring to the Church Easter basket for blessing it with the Holy Water.
On the first day of Easter all family sit down together at the table to eat Easter breakfast.
Traditional Easter dishes are: Pound cake, cake Mazurek and soup żurek.
Polish tradition is also tapping the eggs.
In Poland, the second day of Easter is Easter Monday. On this day all people water with water.
The End Happy Easter! tapeciiarnia.pl info.podróże.gazeta.pl traditionscustoms.com historia.org.pl smakuje.blogx.pl