External Support Services available to Students Guide for Staff
Support for Students The university is committed to offering the best possible support to those students who need it. There is excellent support available within the university such as Counselling, the Disability Service, UBU Advice Centre etc but sometimes students want to access external support or support from both. This guide provides details of local and national support available for some issues that can be experienced by students.
Accommodation & Housing University Support: Students can get advice on available accommodation and help if they are having any issues with their current accommodation. The Accommodation Team are based in the Orchard building situated in the Green (Student Accommodation). Students can call in to the reception to speak to someone or make an appointment. Alternatively the Accommodation Office can be contacted on (01274) The UBU Advice Centre can also help with issues relating to accommodation - (01274) or via
Accommodation & Housing External Support: Unipol can also offer students assistance with housing issues – contact Unipol on (01274) or visit the website: During term time Unipol also run Drop In sessions in one of the pods in Richmond Building. Bradford Council – Homelessness and Housing Advice – Provides advice for council tenants or anyone who is either homeless or threatened with homelessness. Contact (0845) CHAS Bradford – offering free, expert advice on a wide range of housing issues. Contact CHAS Bradford on (01274) or visit the website:
Alcohol & Substance Misuse University Support: Any student experiencing difficulties with alcohol and/or substance misuse can seek help from the Counselling Service. Appointments can be made through the on-line booking service (accessible through the website: ) or by contacting the service by phone: (01274) , , by Drop-In sessions are also available during term-time. Drop-In allows students to be seen by a Counsellor for up to 30 minutes without having to make an appointment. The Drop-In at the University takes place Mon-Friday 13:00-14:00, Level 0.1, Union Mall, Student Central.
Alcohol & Substance Misuse External Services: Bradford Substance Misuse Directory – provides details of local support to those experiencing difficulties with alcohol and drugs: The Bridge Project – A Bradford based drug treatment charity. Contact the Bridge Project on (01274) or visit the website: bradford.org.uk/ bradford.org.uk/ Lifeline Piccadilly Project – Works with people aged 18+ who have current or recent problems with alcohol. Contact the project on Talk To Frank – Information and advice for those misusing drugs or for those who are worried about someone else. Contact Talk To Frank on (0800) or visit the website: Alcoholics Anonymous – help and support to assist people in their recovery from alcoholism. AA can be contacted on (0845) or visit the website:
Bereavement University Support: Any student experiencing issues relating to bereavement can access the Counselling Service: External Support: Bradford Bereavement Support Network (directory) – Provides contact details of organisations who may be able to offer support: Cruse Bereavement Care offers support to those affected by bereavement: Or contact the helpline on: Mind – provides general information relating to mental health but also has specific information for bereavement:
Crime University Support: PC Sue Whitmore is our Campus Engagement Officer – Students and staff can approach Sue about any issue to do with safety, security or crime. Sue can be contacted on or via e- mail: Sue is also available on campus for drop-in sessions every Wednesday, 1-3pm at Student Central. Sue is happy to arrange appointments at other times to suit the student.
Crime External Support: Non emergency police number: Crimestoppers - an independent charity helping to find criminals and help solve crimes. Crimestoppers run an anonymous phone number that you can call to pass on information about crime. Victim Support - national charity giving free and confidential help to victims of crime, witnesses, their family, friends and anyone else affected. Look at their website: or contact the Yorkshire & Humber Team on
Crime - Emergency In an emergency Security should be called on (01274) or Ext: 8888 – they can offer assistance and liaise with the emergency services if necessary. Security are also a good source of support out of hours when other services may not be available. In non-emergency situations Security can be contacted on (01274) or Ext: 6999.
Finance University Support: Money Matters (The Hub) The Money Doctors are here to help students with: Budgeting Benefits Money advice The Money Doctors can also help student’s access additional financial support through a variety of available funding and are the first point of contact for queries on bursaries and scholarships. Contact the Money Doctors at: External Support: Bradford Citizens Advice Bureau – Offers advice including debt relief and money advice. Bradford Citizens Advice Bureau is located on George Street, Bradford, BD1 5AA and can be contacted on (0845)
Forced Marriage & Honour based violence University Support Any student experiencing difficulties in relation to Forced Marriage or Honour based violence can access support from the Counselling Service: or the Student Union Advice Centre: e/. e/ If immediate action is required please contact the Student Safety & Welfare Co-ordinator: (01274) , Ext: 6883 or Security: In an emergency:(01274) or for a non-emergency (01274)
Forced Marriage & Honour based violence External Support Karma Nirvana is a Leeds based charity providing practical and emotional support to victims and survivors of forced marriages and honour based violence. Students can contact the Honour Network helpline for support: Staff can also contact the helpline for information on how to support a student who may be at risk of a forced marriage or honour based violence. Alternatively you can visit the website: The Forced Marriage Unit deals with cases of forced marriage and supports those who may be at risk. Contact the Forced Marriage Unit on or visit the website:
Mental Health (stress, anxiety, depression, self harm and suicide. ) University Support: Any student experiencing issues of an emotional or psychological nature or mental health difficulties can access the Counselling Service: If the student has mental health difficulties they can get support from a Mental Health Advisor via the Disability Service: (01274) or via e- mail: External Services: Student could be advised to contact their GP. If the student is registered at the Bradford Student Health Service they are located on Laisteridge Lane, Bradford, BD5 0HR or can be contacted on (01274)
Mental Health (stress, anxiety, depression, self harm and suicide. ) Mind in Bradford– provides support and information to those suffering with mental health difficulties: Mind in Bradford can also be contacted on (01274) www.mindinbradford.org.uk/ Information can also be found on the national Mind website: e_who_is_suicidal
Relationships University Support: Any student experiencing issues relating to relationships can access the Counselling Service: External Support: Relate - offers advice, relationship counselling, sex therapy, workshops, mediation, consultations and support face-to-face, by phone and through this website: Relate Bradford can be contacted on (01274) Mind – provides general information relating to mental health but also has specific information about relationships:
If in doubt.... The counselling website has a lot of self help material on it’s website: The Student Safety & Welfare Co-ordinator is happy to advise on internal and external referral routes. Contact the Student Safety & Welfare Co-ordinator on (01274) , Ext: 6883 or