The Deep South South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama
Population Ranking GA 9 AL 23 SC 24 MS 31 Population Growth Annual Estimates for the Population of the United States, Regions, States, and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2007
Urban Population Urban Population, U.S. Census Bureau
Density of Cities SC MS AL GA
Diversity US Census Bureau Quick Facts 2000
Income US Census Bureau 2005: Income, Expenditures, Poverty, & Wealth: Income and Poverty--State and Local Data
Economy MS49 SC40 GA36 AL20 National Unemployment Rate Ranking
Political Culture Daniel Elazar's Regions: The Three Political Cultures in American Federalism, A View from the States
Educational Spending National Ranking AL27 MS41 GA34 SC22 Public Policy Institute Analysis of Census Bureau State and Local Government Finances:
Health Care Coverage GA40 MS50 SC42 AL45 GA19 MS19 SC15 AL17 US16 National Health Ranking Percentage of Citizens Uninsured United Health Foundation 2007 and
Welfare Spending US Census Bureau 2002 and AL 50 th in National Welfare Rank
Crime Control All Deep South States have the Death Penalty