ISOLDE contribution to task 11 8.Prediction of secondary beam intensities Pierre Delahaye for the ISOLDE collaboration EURISOL DS Task 11 kick-off meeting, GSI, Darmstadt 18/03/05 M7.1 The ISOLDE yield database January 2006 M7.2 Extrapolation of release efficiencies June 2006
The ISOLDE yield database
Release profile ISOLDE 80 Rb release t=0: production of radioisotopes by 2 s short proton pulse logarithmiclinear 1.Pulsed driver beam 2.Yield determination requires measurement of entire release curve lengthy! 3.Release curve provides additional information on performance of target and ion source unit.
Empiric release formula F(t) = N · (1-exp(-t/t rise )) · ( · exp(-t/t fast ) + (1- ) · exp(-t/t slow )) 80 Rb release Empiric 4-parameter formula: J. Lettry et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. B126 (1997) 130. Release = Diffusion + Desorption + Effusion.
M7.1 The ISOLDE database extension will be considered as completed with the release of the updated database as part of the Targisol project in January 2006 M7.2 The extrapolation of the ISOLDE yields for the EURISOL-like targets will be done with the help of the participants of task 3 Deliverables Second year of EURISOL
M7.2 Extrapolation of yields for the EURISOL-type targets Specification of the future target units from the target groups (task 3): maximum impinging proton intensity Scaling of the yield according to –ISOLDE measured yields –maximum proton intensity –Expected progress in ionizing techniques (ECR ion source, upgraded RILIS)
Conclusions The deliverable M7.1 (ISOLDE database) is on tracks, almost completed The deliverable M7.2 (Yield extrapolation) needs input from the task 3 participants. It is expected to be reached on time for the 100kW targets. Thank you to Ulli for his useful support Thank you for your attention!
The TARGISOL database Eur. Phys. J. A 25, s1.763-s1.764 (2005) TARGISOL: An ISOL-database on the web O. Tengblad 1, M. Turrion 1 and L. M. Fraile 2 1 Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Serrano 113 bis, E-28006, Madrid, Spain 2 ISOLDE, PH department, CERN, CH-1211, Geneva 23, Switzerland
Different target-ion source units Surface ionization Hot plasma RILIS Cold plasma
ISOL targets Different target materials 1.molten metals: Ge, Sn, La, Pb, Bi, U,... 2.solid metals: Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ta, W, Th,... 3.carbides: Al4C3, SiC, VC, ZrC, LaCx, ThCx, UCx,... 4.oxides: MgO, Al2O3, CaO, TiOx, ZrO2, CeOx, ThO2,... 5.others: graphite, borides, silicides, sulfides, zeolithes,... Target dimensions: target container: 20 cm long, 2 cm diameter target thickness 2—200 g/cm2, 10—100% of bulk density micro-dimensions of foils, fibers or pressed powder: 1—30 m U. Köster for the ISOLDE Collaboration, Radiochimica Acta 89 (2001) 749. More than 1100 isotopes and 300 isomers produced so far, for more than 70 different elements Secondary yields depends on several parameters: effusion, diffusion times, surface adsorption properties…