Technical and Scientific Support for Radiation Related Claims & Claims Avoidance Roger P. Shaw, CHP Shaw Partners LLC
Pr ofessional Role Shaw Partners LLC Provide support to attorneys on scientific, medical and technical issues in litigation, regulatory and transactional matters in a variety of practice areas and disciplines, including the following: Product Liability/Toxic Tort Personal injury Property damage Environmental/Land Use Risk Management Workers Compensation Class Action Superfund
Technical Support Functions Assist attorneys in all respects on scientific, medical and technical issues relating to prospective work, litigated claims and other matters Prepare write-ups and conduct in-house seminars Educate attorneys, clients and staff on new to the company or existing matters Shaw Partners LLC
Technical Support Functions Analyze and summarize for attorneys and clients scientific, technical and medical literature Analyze merits of medical, technical and scientific aspects of client’s and adversary’s positions Assist in identifying technical, dosimetry and medical records needed from client, adversary and third parties. Analyze and summarize such records, identify missing records. Shaw Partners LLC
Technical Support Functions Assist in determining probability of causation and probable damages Participate in interviews of fact witnesses and parties on technical issues Assist attorneys in taking and defending depositions of fact witnesses with knowledge of technical/scientific/medical matters Identify, interview and help attorneys choose experts – current cadre is >100 radiation experts – many considered some of the world’s best in a multitude of disciplines Shaw Partners LLC
Technical Support Functions Act as primary liaison between attorneys and experts during report writing process Assist attorneys in taking and defending depositions of experts Assist in the preparation of graphic presentations of technical/scientific/medical points and chronologies of claims related events or accidents, with either in-house or outsourced staff Shaw Partners LLC
Brief Background Shaw Partners – legal consulting for 18 years Provided expert consulting to law firms for: Workers Compensation cases for nuclear utilities’ radiation injury claims, class action lawsuit (Lucent) for Nike Missile Bases (tort), pharmaceutical class action lawsuits; Legionnaire's Disease death lawsuit; and others Primary expertise is with Radiation Injury Claims and Claims Avoidance