Psychology of Language--Baldwin
Ellis Ch. 4: Meaning “Meaning” as a reference both to: Specific objects: my computer Categories, abstract qualities: /computer/ Problems with “meaning” Words are associated Words are ambiguous Words are redundant Words are poetic, metaphoric, contradictory, anomalous
Structural Semantics Object language—the meaning of “a complex expression of objects” (Ellis, 1999, p. 57). Assumes meaning already assigned to words through social construction Not concerned with actual meanings or “providing clues to common usage” (p. 57) Concerned with way a sentence can be “true”: Empirical truth: Kelvin has dreadlocks Linguistic truth: All men have dreadlocks…if, then, and Point: The logical validity of sentences (via structure) Entailment: Suzy, my cat, had her tail cut off…
Semantics: Structural Criticisms of structural semantics? Stop-gaps: Contextual semantics: how people assign meaning in context (including, but not limited to possibility, probability, etc.) Lexical semantics: Study of word meanings… Standard Theory: (Chomsky) Markers: characteristics that show similarity/difference: Whale Shark Jellyfish +AQUATIC, etc. Rules: What the category of meaning can do or not do (not semantic!): The woman carried her whale in her briefcase.
Implications of Semantics Linguistic relativity: the future subjunctive… Parsing meaning: Wine Doritos… TP… New words Where do they come from? How are they formed? How do some catch on and others not?
Langue and Parole (beyond Ellis) Langue: The structural meanings, usages, available in a language Parole: The meaning of a specific utterance in its context, the actual words and behaviors of communication
The Basics Connotation Denotation Triangle of Meaning Proper meaning superstition (line at bottom should be dotted!)
Practice [B-a-b-e][A-r-a-b]
Symbolic Interactionism Humans are distinct…symbol manipulating “The social world is a dynamic and dialectical web”…unstable, in process, never fixed “The social world is…interactive” SI seeks to look beneath symbols to find “underlying patterns and forms of social life” Implications Mind Self Society (and language, and meaning!)
Semiotics Original Semiotics—Saussure and Others Sign = signified + signifier Not word & object, but sound pattern & category (sense, but not reference) Value of sign depends on relation to other signs
Semiotics--Barthes 1.Sign = signifier + signified 2.Sign systems and codes 3.Ideology/myth
Postmodernism Fragmented meanings Contradictory ideologies “Pastiche” Pleasure