LAMOST 2D Pipeline Jianjun Chen, Zhongrui Bai, Hanqin Qin Xulei Xue NAOC CAS, USTC , Beijing
2D file name and storage Example: rs-16b – fit Class+type-spID+color-planID-run-MJD Data class: r(raw), p(product),t (temporary) Data type: o(object), s(sky), f(flat), b(bias),a(arc), t(test) spID: 1-16 for low-res spectrographs for mid-res spectrographs
2D file name and storage Color: r(red), b(blue) planID: plan ID from SSS Run: the run number during each night MJD: modified Julian Day, but here modified to in unit of minute Data from each night stored in directory named by MJD or calendar date
2D pipeline Scan files and pre-reduction Tracing and extraction Wavelength calibration Flat correction Sky subtraction Flux calibration, combine 3 exposures and red & blue spectra
Scan files and pre-reduction Subtract bias Calculate inverse variance as noise Scan files and read files to corresponding structures
Tracing and extraction Find out the center positions of fiber profiles at ystart in a flat exposure Along the dispersion direction, find the center and width for each fiber profile Fit the fiber profiles along spatial direction to calculate the flux for each fiber rs-12r skyimage.fits ro-12r fit ro ps
Wavelength calibration Iteratively calculate the correlation coefficient of one fiber arc lines with lines in table, to get the initial wavelength solution Based on the line table, separate the arc spectrum next to the initial arc to sections, in each section only one strong line, and calculate the dispersion curve Go to next arc spectrum, do it again 1D-rs-12r '.ps
Flat correction Using B-spline to fit wave and flux in good fiber and to reconstruct the superflat Divide the flat flux by superflat and get fiber efficiency curve fflat Object flux divide fflat
sky subtraction Locate sky emission lines, to correct the wavelength calibration Calculate the emission line width Using B-splines to reconstruct supersky Subtract the supersky from object flux
Flux calibration (SDSS sky area) Compare standard star flux (F-type sub dwarf) with flux of standard model, to derive spectrophotometric calibration Combine 3 exposures Combine red and blue
Some tests sky_eff\FiberEff-12-r- sky_eff\FiberEff-12-r- 1D-ro-15r 1D-ro-15r skysub-1D-ro-15r skysub-1D-ro-15r