By Elisabeth Pennington & Richard Agostinho All Sides of the Triangular Trade 8 th grade Social Studies
Objectives Gain basic library research skills Utilize World Wide Web Prioritize and apply key concepts found in research Track daily activities and reactions in a journal Learn the involvement each continent had with slavery
Friday View movie clip: Amistad- representative of Middle Passage Introduce assignment and divide into groups: New World (Caribbean) Europe West Africa Homework- Write reaction to Amistad clip in journal and answer following question: How do you think each side of the triangle benefited to justify this treatment of people?
Students will return to small groups to share research with group members Monday Computer lab-students will search the web for 2 electronic resources focusing on their side of the triangle Homework: Write the 5 most important facts from your research in complete sentences in your journal Tuesday Library-Students will find 3 print resources relating to their side of the triangle Homework- Students will construct a Bibliography of the sources found in the library and on the internet in their journal. Students will highlight one important fact found in each source.
Wednesday Students will meet in groups by topic to discuss the research they’ve found Homework- In you journal, prepare a one page summary based on the research you found on your own and the research you discussed as a group
Thursday Students will meet in small groups to share the information learned and summarized for homework. Homework- Students will prepare for quiz studying their journals.
Friday Evaluation Students will: Turn in journals Complete an in class quiz Participate in role playing activity (for extra points on quiz and candy)