1 How to Start Up CCStudio 3 DSP LAB T.A.:
2 Device Setup Double-click “ Setup CCStudio3 ” on desktop, and you will see the above dialog.
3 Choose Your Device If you want to use the simulator. Select “ C6416 Device Cycle Accurate Simulator,Little Endian ” If you want to use the DSK board. Select “ C6416 V1.1 DSK ”.
4 Click “ import ”
5 Click “ Save and Quit ”
6 Click “ Yes ” CCS3 will then be started up.
7 New Project
8 Add files to project
9 3 files needed to be added Source file (.c or.asm) ;.cmd ;.lib
10 Where are them? You need to write your own source code. Find library in the following path: C:\CCStudio\c6000\cgtools\lib \rts6400.lib Find cmd file in any appropriate example: C:\CCStudio\c6000\cgtools\lib\lnk.cmd
11 Rebuild Projects To compile and link all the files
12 Load Program
13 Debug / Run (F5)