1 Unity One God, One baptism, one Lord, one faith 2 Witness Two witnesses (Rev 11), 2 angels (tomb), 2 angels (ascension) 3 Trinity (Father,Son,Holy Spirit)(body,soul,spirit)(1 st,2 nd,3 rd heaven) 4 Earth 4 seasons, 4 directions, 5 Division 10 virgins (5 foolish, 5 wise) 6 Man Man created on 6 th day 7 Complete- ness 7 days(week), 7 weeks(Pentecost), Rev (7 Churches, 7 lamp- stands, 7 spirits of God, 7 angels, 7 trumpets, 7 vials, 7 seals) 8 New beginning Since 7 is complete 8 is a new start or new beginning 9 Fruit 9 gifts of the Spirit, 9 fruits of the Spirit 10 Round number Indefinite number, 10 horns of Daniel, 10 days in prison Church of Sardis, 10 Virgins, 10 Commandments 11 disunity Judas killed himself making 11 and was replaced by Matthias 12 Divine Government 12 tribes of Israel, 12 Apostles, 12 stars (sun-clothed woman). New Jerusalem 12 Gates Pearl, 12 foundations 40 Testing Israel – 40 days in the wilderness, Moses, Elijah, Jesus fasted 40 days. Saul, David, Samuel reigned 40 yrs. Bible numbers used symbolically
C H U R C H A G E ( gap between Daniel’s 69 th and 70 th week) Church Age (Rev 2,3). Church Age ends 3 ½ yrs after the rapture. These 3 ½ yrs are the Great Christian Tribulation. Then Daniel’s 70 th week begins.rapture Daniel’s 70 th week Creation of Israel as a nation in 1948 A.D. and restoration of Jerusalem ended the 2,520 time of iniquity (servitude of the land and Jerusalem) as prophesized by Ezekiel 4 and began what Scripture calls the last days, end times or latter days. See study of Israel’s 3 steps to the Kingdom.Ezekiel 4 Israel’s 3 steps to the Kingdom Christ returns Antichrist defeated. Kingdom of Israel restored. Millen- nium begins. Rapture Generation Matt 24:34
Click here for quick view of 6 seals, 7 trumpet and vial judgmentshere Events connected with the rapture. 24 elders, 4 living ones,, Jesus takes 7 sealed book in heaven. Sun clothed woman and the Manchild on earth. Jesus opens 6 seals. 4 horse- men sent from heaven. Beast, false prophet, 666 and 3 ½ yr Christian trib period on earth Trib Mar- tyrs raised. 144, 000 sealed Day of the Lord. 7 trumpet/vial judgments as seen from heaven and earth. Two witnesses. Judg- ment of Babylon the great whore Christ returns. Antichri st false prophet and armies defeated Kingdom Millennium Eternity
Christ takes the 7 sealed book and opens seals 24 Elders, 4 Living Ones around the throne God the Father (Ancient of Days) Rev 6 Christ gives orders to the 4 living ones who send forth the 4 horsemen with orders. First 4 seals Wrath mixed with grace 3 ½ yrs Pure wrath without mixture 7 yrs Millennium Christian Tribulation Period Terrible Day Of The Lord Rev 5:8-10 Redeemed as Priests and Kings and we will reign on the earth w/Christ TrIbMartyrsraIsedTrIbMartyrsraIsed Sealed Sealed Eart h tilted Rapture Rev 4 Christ returns to earth with saved immortal Saints Millennium Beast; False Prophet; The mark 666
Revelation Chapter 4 Daniel called Father the Ancient of Days wearing white raiment and hair as pure wool in Dan 7:9Dan 7:9 24 Elders seated around the throne clothed in white raiment and wearing crowns of gold 4 Beasts (Living Ones) A face of Lion, Ox, Man, Eagle. Each had 6 wings and eyes within and without Throne room scene the raptured Church will see in heaven as told by John John saw just the glory of the Father as a precious jasper and Sardine stone. Round about was a rainbow as like an Emerald First the trumpet call to the Church. As the Holy Spirit appeared as dove upon Jesus, tongues of fire at Pentecost, now as 7 lamps as torches like the Olympics saying let the judgments of God begin Subject: Throne
Christ takes the 7 sealed book and opens seals 24 Elders, 4 Living Ones around the throne God the Father (Ancient of Days) Rev 6 Christ gives orders to the 4 living ones who send forth the 4 horsemen with orders. First 4 seals Wrath mixed with grace 3 ½ yrs Pure wrath without mixture 7 yrs Christ returns to earth with saved immortal Saints Millennium Eart h tilted Christian Tribulation PeriodTerrible Day Of The Lord Rapture Rev 4 Rev 5:8-10 Redeemed as Priests and Kings and we will reign on the earth w/Christ TrIbMartyrsraIsedTrIbMartyrsraIsed Sealed Sealed Rev12
Daniel 7:11 Thrones cast down Noah’s day – a picture of Rapture Generation New beginning Daniel 7:8 Laodicea Church period Rev 3:14 7 th Seal – Heaven’s view of 7 angels w/ 7 trumpet judgments 7 th Seal – 7 vials same as 7 trumpets but earth’s view Beast; False Prophet; The mark 666 Habakkuk 1 – 2:8 Hab 3:7-15 wrath mixed w/mercy Hab 3:3-6 pure wrath of God Wrath mixed w/mercy Pure wrath of God Revelation: Heaven’s view Revelation: Earth’s view Kingdom Antichrist Reigns: 2 Thess 2:9-12 Man of Deception2 Thess 2:9-12 Antichrist Revealed: 2 Thess 2:1-8 Man of Sin: Son of Perdition2 Thess 2:1-8 Daniel 7:9,10 Ancient of Days Jesus Discourse end times Matt 24:4-6, Luke 21:8,9 See that you be not deceived. Many saying ‘I am Christ’: You know the time [rapture] draweth near. Wars and rumors of wars – be not terrified the end is not yet. Look up Redemption of the body (rapture) draws nigh Luke 21:28 Rom 8:23 Matt 24:7-14 Lu 21:10-19 nation and kingdom against each other. Famines, pestilence, earthquakes, love of many shall wax cold, hated by all nations, betrayal, Christians afflicted and killed. Many false prophets. Gospel preached to all the world - Church age ends Matt 24:15-31 Lu 21:21-27 Jerusalem surrounded by armies desolation nigh; Abomination of Desolation set up in the Holy place. False Christs and prophets. Great tribulation such as never was. Christ returns as lightening shines east to west, Lu 21:35 Be saved to escape all these things written for Timeframe 4 & 5
2345 Rapture Martyr’s raised Poles shift Earth upright Christ returns Millennium 1 Kingdom Eternity
Comparison of four beasts of Daniel 7 and 4 metals of the image of Daniel 2 (same world empires)
Great 3 ½ Year Christian Tribulation Period While the 6 seals of Rev 6 are being opened during the 3 ½ year Christian Tribulation Period the words of Jesus spoken in Matt 24 and Luke 21 concerning the same Christian tribulation period will be fulfilled helping the Church left behind after the rapture to survive another 3 ½ yrs. Then the Church age ends.Matt 24 and Luke 21