Thursday May 29WPLA Athens Some Options for updating Land Administration Guidelines WPLA Paul van der Molen (NL) May 2003
Thursday May 29WPLA Athens Institutional & Financial Matters Definition of land administration - ownership, value, use - land - process - context land management Institutional & Financial Context - LA system more than ‘just’ a GIS - public administration
Thursday May 29WPLA Athens Updating options in this context Justification for investments in land administration Internet as a driver for change Inclusion of LA-Challenges for the developing world Impact of customer orientation and financial transparency
Thursday May 29WPLA Athens Option 1: justification for investments Political context: sustainable housing, agriculture, poverty reduction, development Functions of land administration - improving land tenure security - facilitating land market - urban & rural planning, development & control - base for land taxation - management natural resources
Thursday May 29WPLA Athens Meeting the functions justifies investments So far description in qualitative terms ( e.g. WPLA ‘Benefits’ 1998) Need for description in economic terms ( e.g land administration costs 200 mill/ and supports land market worth 9.3 bill./year, mortgage market total 600 bill., land related tax revenues 4.9 bill./year)
Thursday May 29WPLA Athens Option 2: internet as a driver for change Electronic input (electronic conveyancing UK, Canada, Lithuania, electronic submission of deeds the Netherlands) Electronic output (customer needs, information infrastructures, reduction of costs through data sharing)
Thursday May 29WPLA Athens Option 3: inclusion of challenges developing world New forms of land tenure Inclusion of customary tenure in statutory environment How to cope from a land administration point of view ?
Thursday May 29WPLA Athens Option 4: customer orientation and financial transparency Aiming at customer satisfaction is the start of a revitalisation or development process Aiming at financial transparency is the start of making an organisation manageable.
Thursday May 29WPLA Athens Conclusions Use input from recent WPLA workshops: PPP, customer satisfaction, mass valuation…... Use WPLA reports Objects, PPP, Taxation, Privacy….. Address economic justification, internet, developing world, customer orientation and financial transparency