stanford hci group / cs376 u Jeffrey Heer · 5 May 2009 Design Methods: Prototyping
Iterative Design Cycle Getting it right the first time is hard Need better support for quick turns around loop Design PrototypeEvaluate
[Buxton, Sketching User Experiences]
“Enlightened trial and error outperforms the planning of flawless intellect.” - David Kelley
What is a prototype? An instantiation of a design hypothesis. A means for communicating ideas and intent. A vehicle for evaluating design ideas. Multiple audiences: intended users, design teams, and supporting organizations.
What do prototypes prototype? Role Does the design support activities and tasks? Look and Feel What is the style and form of the design? Implementation How will the design be built or deployed?
Sketchi ng
Information Architecture
Storyboard ing
Paper Prototyping
Reappropriat ion
PowerPoint Prototyping Tools
Video Prototypes
Prototyping in HCI Research Part of design process for research systems Developing novel interfaces & techniques An object of study in its own right How might we better characterize and improve the prototyping process? An activity that may benefit from new tools We’ll visit Design Tools research next time…