Equalization of Opportunities for Student s with Disabilities in Addis Ababa University Tirussew Teferra Addis Ababa University
Presentation Layout 1. The Situation of Students with Disabilities 2. Constitutional Rights and Policy Directions in Ethiopia 3. Towards Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment
Educational Problems Teachers’ negative attitude & insensitive instruction Shortage of instructional materials, text & reference books Rigid curriculum (one fits all)
Educational Problems cont… Lack of readers, sing language interpreters note takers No orientation & information at the time of entry Unfavorable condition and evaluation practice High rate of academic dismissal and drop-out
Psychosocial Conditions Instructor –Student Relationship Limited instructor – student interaction Inaccessibility of instructors’ offices Negative attitude of instructors
Psychosocial Conditions Cont… Student-Student Relationship Prevalence of mixed feelings abut student-student relationships Some described non-disabled students as friendly and supportive Where as, others considered them as unsupportive and hostile Feeling of loneliness and isolation Serious worry about employment opportunities
Physical Barriers Services Inaccessible buildings [Classrooms, libraries, dining halls, dormitories, pathways etc.] Equipment and Facilities Not adjustable or adjusted [toilets, showers, public phones etc]
Encouraging Developments at AAU Center for Students with Disabilities and Career Development Counseling service under the Dean of Students Braille Collection & Reading Section at Kennedy library Financial support (monthly pocket money, for writing senior essays,thesis and for exam readers) Accommodation and dining during summer vacation Associations of SwDs [VISA,PISA & HISA)
Constitutional rights & policy directions in the country FDRE Constitution 1995 Article 41 sub articles no.5 and no. 50 clearly state about the rights of citizens to equal access to publicly funded services & the support that shall be given to accommodate the needs of PwDs. Education & Training Policy 1994 Sub article, unequivocally states that attempt shall be made to enable persons with disabilities learn in accordance to their potential and needs.
Policy directions in the country… The Higher Education Proclamation (FDRE Negarit Gazeta, 351/2003) Article 33, sub article 1, clearly states that SwDs shall during their stay in the institution of higher learning, get special support to pursue their education effectively, & In article 10, sub- article 3, the Proclamation further points out that if it need be deaf students may be given sign language interpreter service.
Towards Creating An Inclusive Campus General Incorporate articles that recognize the rights of SwDs in the Senate Legislation Raise the awareness of the University Community about educational needs and potentials SwDs Make sure that buildings, classrooms, facilities & fixtures as well as information & communication are accessible to all students Design flexible curriculum that can accommodate diversities of students’ educational needs Introduce disability-specific adaptive technology to facilitate students’ leaning
Towards Creating An Inclusive Campus… Entry/Admission Point Identify the profile and special needs of SwDs at the point of entry or admission Provide the necessary orientation about campus life and the teaching-learning process Give special consideration for SwDs at the time of departmental placement
Inclusive Classrooms Make sure that the teaching methodology accommodates the needs of all students in the class Employ assistants needed for students with disabilities in the learning-teaching process Provide appropriate instructional materials, equipment and facilities Encourage the participation SwDs in class activities Prepare assignments & examinations that can accommodate the needs SwDs Arrange the right examination set-up Towards Creating An Inclusive Campus cont…
Higher Learning Institutions Should strive to realize the rights of SwDs by Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment !! Thank You !!