Gross Cerebral Anatomy Flash Cards Psy202 Each pair of pages in the following constitute a front/back page pair for creating flash cards. Print the “slides” of this file. Then glue each pair of sheets together and cut the cards apart (or use a two- sided printer or copier for output). 4/5/01 James Sulzen
mesialtransversearachnoidcorpus callosum subduralmeningesdura mattersplenium myelin / myelinial sheath nodes of Raniersaltatory conductionsynapse neocortex supramarginal gyrus angular gyrus lateral occipetal gyri
massive axon structure connecting the hemispheres. progressing along a single direction at a diagonal to axial or coronal plane... below the dura matter layer
somatasensory cortex (areas 1,2, & 3) SI SII Fig Visual Cortex Fig Frontal Cortex Fig Limbic Lobe Fig Somatosensory Cortex
Fig Slice at anterior commissure Fig Slice at mamilliary bodies Fig Limbic SystemFig Hippocampal Formation
Fig Anterior and Medial ThalamusFig Hypothalamus Fig Brainstem and Caudal Brain Areas Fig Midbrain
Fig Lateral brainstemFig Dorsal Cerebellum Fig Spinal Cord
p Ventricular System Fig Optical ProjectionsFig Auditory Pathway