Team Gantry Tyson Rogstad Erik Flum Gary Zigmann
Background Information Many industrial companies around the world use cranes as a means of moving equipment, merchandise, or other. The crane systems are engineered to support certain amounts of weight depending on the application in which they will be involved. The two types of cranes that were taken into consideration for this project were the over-head traveling crane and the gantry crane.
Problem Statement Vermont Tech ELM students do not currently have any real world applications in the labs.
Solution Statement To design an overhead gantry crane system that future Electromechanical courses can use as a training tool.
System Requirements Build ceiling mounted crane system capable of lifting 100 lbs Horizontal and vertical movement using both AC and or DC motors AC and DC motors must run paired independent of the crane Shall have at least two types of position sensing for both axes of movement.
System Overview Drive system Control Panel T-slot IR Prox Sensors MC Motor Controller PVC pipe for ultrasonic Pulley MC
Electrical System DC Motor 1Motor 2 Motor Controller AC Motor Controller Motor 4Motor 3 Motor Controller DCAC IR Prox Ultrasonic Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Button 4
Transmitter Receiver Microcontroller Position Sensing
Gear Box DC Motor AC Motor Motor sub-Assembly Chain Sprocket
Carriage sub-Assembly
Suspension Material 1030 is a 1.0" x 3.0" T-slotted aluminum profile made from 6105-T5 aluminum. This profile has eight open T-slots and is compatible with all 10 Series fasteners and accessories. Part No.Finishlbs. / Ft.Stock LengthMoment of InertiaArea 1030 Clear Anodized , or 242 In. IX=.1238"^4 IY=.9711"^ Sq./In.
Major Milestones Sizing and Matching Motors Size Carriage Components Choose Specific Sensors Choose Suspension Material
TYSONMotor Assemblies Ultrasonic Sensors IR Sensors ERIKHoist Controls Motors -mechanical switches -electrical GaryWeb Development Software Mechanical Fastening Carriage Assembly Personnel Assignments
Sources of Information