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Department Codes Some subject areas are covered by more than one department. For example, items relevant to sociology might have been ordered by the Department of Psychology. DEPARTMENT CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DEPARTMENTCODE Arabic Lang. & Lit. ARAB American Studies AMER African Studies AFRI Canadian Studies CANA Business Admin. BUSI Arts ARTS Comparative Lit. COMP Communications COMM Classical Studies CLAS Drama DRAM Demography DEMO Contemporary Jewry CONT English ENGL Economics ECOM East Asia EAST French FREN Folklore FOLK Environmental Studies ENVI German Studies GERM Physical GeorgraphyGEOP Geography GEOG Hebrew Lit. HLIT Hebrew Lang. HLAN History HIST Linguistics LING Jewish Hist. JHIS Italian Studies ITAL Musicology MUSI Bible MIKR Maps MAPS Psychology PSYC Political Science POLI Philosophy PHIL Spanish Studies SPAN Sociology SOCI Russian Studies RUSS Yiddish YIDD Urban Studies URBA
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