General Physiology Bio 321


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Presentation transcript:

General Physiology Bio 321 What is physiology? How does it differ from cell biology? Biochemistry? Ecology?

Figure 1-1

Physiology is studied from cellular to organismal level by body systems What are the 10 major body systems? What is each of these systems responsible for?

Table 1-1

Which two systems are the primary control systems of the body? nervous and endocrine nervous and circulatory digestive and nervous endocrine and circulatory endocrine and immune

Physiology is concerned with homeostasis, and how the body maintains it. What is homeostasis? Think of a body process that is controlled within narrow limits (an example might be blood pH, which must be maintained within pH of 7.0 to 7.7). What happens if there is an internal or external change in the process (for the above example it might be eating a high protein diet – external change – which causes production of more keto-acids, lowering blood pH)? What does the body system do in the face of this external (or internal) change to keep the system within its limits? What happens if the body system can not get back into the correct range?

Figure 1-4

Physiology is a science of data, with much of the information being displayed either in figures or tables Figure 1-5b

When you graph the results, what is your independent variable? You are measuring growth (change in height) of the plant Arabidopsis at two different temperatures every day for a five-week period. When you graph the results, what is your dependent variable? the species of plant the temperature at which the plants are grown the height of the plants time when growth is recorded When you graph the results, what is your independent variable? time when growth is recorded the temperature at which the plants are grown the species of plant the height of the plants

Figure 1-7a

You are measuring growth (change in height) of the plant Arabidopsis at two different temperatures every day for a five-week period. The table below shows the data you collected. What kind of graph will be most appropriate for presenting the data? Bar graph Histogram Line graph Scatter plot Pie chart Table 1: Average plant growth (in inches) during the five-week study period Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Plants at 25̊ C 4" 7" 8" 10" 11" Plants at 35̊ C 5" 13"

Figure 1-7b

Figure 1-7c

Figure 1-7d

Figure 1-7e

Students studied the effects of the chemical acetylcholine (ACh) on heart rate in the crustacean Daphnia. Their data are shown below. Heart rate (bpm) ACh Animal 1 Animal 2 Animal 3 1 x 10-2 25 30 29 1 x 10-3 22 24 26 1 x 10-4 18 18 21 The most appropriate graph for this data would have _____ as the x-axis label. The most appropriate graph for this data would have _____ as the y-axis label. The most appropriate graph type for this data would be a: Draw a rough representation of the graph

Table 1-2