D&R – ITS + AES 2011/08/09 Sharon
Intelligent vs. Adaptive 1. Intelligent but not adaptive (no student model!) 2. Adaptive but not really intelligent 3. Intelligent and adaptive Intelligent ES Adaptive ES 2 3 1
Adaptive E-Learning Systems Major issues for adaptation in education – greater diversity of users “user centered” systems may not work – new “unprepared” users traditional systems are too complicated – users are “alone” limited help from a peer or a teacher
Research updates Recommendation Social Media Novelty Learners’ Analytics
UMAP 2011 Finding someone you will like and who won't reject you Analyzing user modeling on twitter for personalized news recommendations Towards open corpus adaptive hypermedia: a study of novelty detection approaches Open Social Student Modeling: Visualizing Student Models with Parallel IntrospectiveViews
Recommendation Now&Future reciprocal recommender systems – One way vs. both ways – Must be VERY accurate (short term) Introduce the negative model, combined model outperforms – What’s the negative model in course recommendation? – Will there be courses you don’t like, but you have to take? –…–…
Social Media Now&Future Leveraging micro- blogging activities on Twitter Semantic enrichment enhances the variety and quality (#hashtags) Different user modeling strategies (temporal profile patterns) can improve recommendation quality – Personalized Vialogues recommendations? – Moderator profile/participant profile?
Knowledge prediction Now&Future problem difficulty is an even more important predictor than student proficiencies on the required skills
Novelty Now&Future Detect relevant and NEW content by automatic text analysis More evaluations are required – Recommend courses outside of TC, Columbia Univ.? – Recommend “novelty” resources from Docdel?
Learner Analytics Now&Future Open Student Model – Awareness – Increase learning –…–… Open Social Student Model – knowledge-based and social-based guidance combined rules!
Activity (10 mins) - Post to blog Making things better? Less is more? – Recommendation – Social Media – Novelty (new and relevant resources) – Learners’ Analytics (open social student modeling) Vialogues / Pundit / Docdel / PocketKnowledge