Transforming OSU Extension and my role in its transformation as Regional Administrator Tim Deboodt
OSU Extension Service Create Positive Impacts Engage Oregonians Resolve Critical Issues Community Livability, Economic Viability, Natural Resource Sustainability, and Health and Well-being of People Mission and Vision
Role of Regional Administrator And the Transformation Leadership in Program Direction Supervision Communication
Leadership in Program Direction And the Transformation Identify current and emerging needs Understanding of the Program Areas Identify opportunities for inter and intra disciplinary programming Partnerships
Leadership role in the Identification of Program Needs and the creation of new positions Forestry;Horticulture; Forage/Hay, Potato, Specialty Crop;Livestock/Water Quality; and Small FarmOpen Campus Fund Development Program Support$ 389, Program Development 4,643, Research/Demonstration 354, Partner Activities 628, $ 6,016, Partnerships Crooked River Watershed Council and Weed Management Area Crook County Higher Education Opportunities Advisory Council Regional Resource Advisory Committees – State and Federal
Supervision And the Transformation Mentor Support EvaluationDevelopment ManageOpportunity
Supervisory Experience Faculty -- Since 1987, I have been responsible for the direct supervision of 10 Crook County faculty of which seven serve with regional programming responsibilities. Staff -- Since 1987, I have supervised six office staff. My duties include creation of position descriptions, hiring, mentoring, guiding professional development, and performance reviews. College of Agriculture Mentor -- I served as a Department mentor for six eastern and southwestern Oregon faculty. Staff Chair -- As a member of the central Oregon Staff Chair team, I provide supervisory assistance to other Staff Chairs for numerous faculty housed in other county offices who have regional programming responsibilities Resource Management – Fiscal Service District Budget Office r:$ 200,000 Tax Base $ 500,000 Annual Operating Budget Manage Grants and Contracts:$ 4.4 million in 2010 – 2011 FY
Communication And the Transformation
Be Clear Listen Be respectful Communication Open Door Respond in timely manner Consistency
OSU Extension Service Create Positive Impacts Engage Oregonians Resolve Critical Issues Community Livability, Economic Viability, Natural Resource Sustainability, and Health and Well-being of People Mission and Vision
Describe your experience in managing multiple funding streams & how have you honored existing funding sources/agreements as they are integrated within counties in this region?
Extension is in the midst of Transformation. How have you changed your thinking to embrace these changes? How do you balance community needs vs. organizational constraints? How would you be an advocate and resource for employees during this transformation?
OSU strives to build an organizational culture that will allow each individual to enter, participate and thrive – unimpaired by barriers related to his/her identity status. Each of us is valued for our uniqueness. Describe how your background and experience has prepared you to be effective in an environment that values diversity.