Some D0 Meeting December 2003 Muon Isolation Update Ken Johns University of Arizona
Some D0 Meeting December 2003 Z, Zj, Zjj Data = “Signal” Sample u Emily Z skim u Cuts Good vertex 2 muons with P T > 15 GeV/c 1 isolated muon Same vertex Muon phi (highest P T ) – metphi < 165 degrees Corrected MET < 15 GeV 75 < dimu mass < 105 GeV/c 2 0, 1, >1 jets with E T > 20 GeV u Look at distributions of the “other” muon
Some D0 Meeting December 2003 bb p13 Data = “Background” Sample u Dimu p13 skim u Cuts Good vertex 2 muons with P T > 6 GeV/c // ΔR > 0.5 between the two muons 1 muon with an associated jet Same vertex Muon phi (highest P T ) – metphi < 165 degrees Corrected MET < 15 GeV 0 < dimu mass < 70 GeV/c 2 >1 jets with E T > 20 GeV u Look at distributions of the “other” muon
Some D0 Meeting December 2003 bb rat efficiency = f(Ptmu) Rat == Halo11 / Ptmu u Let Ptmu = 6, 10, 12, 15 GeV/c u Define Rat cut where background efficiency = 10% 6 GeV/c = 0.32 10 GeV/c = 0.30 12 GeV/c = 0.28 15 GeV/c = 0.25 u => Only slowly varying with Ptcut u => But other isolation variables change slightly with Ptmu cut as well (statistics?)
Some D0 Meeting December 2003 Signal Efficiency Signal efficiency for 10% background (bb) efficiency u Use 12 GeV/c cut sample for bb background (more statistics than 15 GeV/c) u (Arbitrarily) set background efficiency to 10% Halo11 efficiency for signal = 75% Trkpt efficiency for signal = 50% Rat efficiency for signal = 92% dR efficiency for signal = 75% u Rat still in the running as isolation variable u Note dR inefficiency as well n.b. previous efficiencies used Ptmu = 6 GeV/c to determine bb cut points
Some D0 Meeting December 2003 p14 Zjj Data-MC Isolation Comparison Pick signal efficiency = 90% Ask what cut value gives this efficiency u Here Ptmu cut = 15 GeV/c u Halo11 Data = 6.4, MC = 3 u Trkpt Data = > 10, MC = 4 u Rat Data = 0.35, MC = 0.1
Some D0 Meeting December 2003 Zjj Data – Halo 11
Some D0 Meeting December 2003 Zjj MC – Halo11
Some D0 Meeting December 2003 Zjj Data – Trkpt
Some D0 Meeting December 2003 Zjj MC– Trkpt
Some D0 Meeting December 2003 Zjj Data – Rat
Some D0 Meeting December 2003 Zjj MC – Rat