CORONAS/SONG and INTEGRAL/SPI observations of the 2003 Oct 28 solar flare with M. Gros, J. Kiener, V. Kurt & B. Yushkov.


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Presentation transcript:

CORONAS/SONG and INTEGRAL/SPI observations of the 2003 Oct 28 solar flare with M. Gros, J. Kiener, V. Kurt & B. Yushkov

A hardening of the accelerated ion spectrum at high energies ? From SPI measurements  flare-integrated spectral index: S > 3.5 (for  /p > 0.1)

With a stochastic acceleration spectrum  : acceleration efficiency  escape time

About pion production...  Heavy-ion reaction cross sections: from p+ 12 C and 12 C+ 12 C using a simple rescaling model.  Reaction kinematics: from the “pionic bremsstrahlung“ model below the N-N threshold (and the isobar model above it).  The heavy-ion reactions are not important, but  is significant.

About the 511 keV line emission...  = 1100  cm -2 (Share et al. 2004)   6.1 = 285  cm -2 (total, SPI) = 130  cm -2 (decay phase, SPI)  0.5 = 1100 cm -2  2.2 = 1400 cm -2 (total, SPI)