Welcome to The Expert Community Forum 19 November 2007
Creating Our Future Common Vision - Outcomes Effective Staff Selection Combining Pooling Resources Children & Family Hubs Community Ownership – Our Problem Scope the Issues Seek other support e.g. business
Creating Our Future Ongoing Funding After Pilots Not Competing for Funds Working in the same direction – different contributions It’s do-able Minister focussing on early childhood and care Engagement at all levels – Government and non- government Find ways of hearing children and families – needs and feedback
Creating Our Future Centre of excellence – build skill base Systems need to change Everything is connected Effective use of existing resources Establish partnerships The importance of referral Bottom up approach Agree on a small set of key goals
Creating Our Future Series of community forums up to 2012 Champion for children Policy provision at the top Capacity building for all families Coordination
Issues and Barriers Shared vision and goals Not sharing information Very little collaboration Gov. Departments working in partnership Short term policy funding Funding and resource allocations creates silo Invisible divide between departments to have client at centre Client have navigate complex system
Issues and Barriers Lack of leadership Commonwealth / state divide in terms of funding / policy Decisions should be made in light of how this effect children Decision making separate from community Structural issues e.g. parenting, leave, childcare Risk adverse, decision makers Forming effective partnerships
Issues and Barriers Skilling staff/attracting the right workers Funding model to support Current funding program – Department specific Experts take over / we are here to help you concept Process becomes complex Not reaching people who need help Tasmania – regional approach is a barrier Territorial issues
Issues and Barriers Communication between agencies and limited resources Current resources target the critical end not the preventative end Trust the families Ensuring valuing early years is kept on political agenda Reduce number of children notified to the department because of care and protection issues Resistance to change Lack of universal services
Key Areas for Action Dialogue and communication Model development Information sharing Consultation with community about their needs Recruiting and training of the existing staff Looking at community facilities High level of supportive focus e.g. Minister Look at poor funding
Key Areas for Action Invest in evidence based research Game longer term funding agreements Connect services into a model Revolution in thinking Legislative reform
Priority One Vision leadership Focus on early intervention Clear model Long term funding Shared language and training
Priority Two Service mapping Funding issues Empowering the community Priority regardless of change of government Marketing strategies around parenting initiatives i.e. raising profile of parenting
Priority Three Localised solutions Local level platform for interagency collaboration for under 5s Sustainable funding – fund less programs but at higher level Fund programs linked to long term goals for change in society for future Professional development
Tasmanian Early Years Foundation Advocacy / peak lobby body / leadership / vision / communication Research – promotion, mapping, funding, evidence based Building partnerships Ministerial liaison Longer term funding for pilots Bringing key speakers Training
Tasmanian Early Years Foundation Working across age groups Building partnerships Fund social innovation Support attitudinal change Build measurement system into TEYF strategic plan Facilitate community education Children's champion
Non-Government Sector Community focus Informing and linking government and each other, creating relationships and partnerships Services on the ground for local families – innovative Appropriate training Advocacy Human face to a program / community development Produce resources
Non-Government Sector Support children to stay within their own community Support capacity building Be active in policy development Build relationships outside square e.g. business and local government Measuring outcomes and effectiveness Part of the decision making at all levels Research and evaluation
Non-Government Sector Identify overlaps e.g. government and non-government
Local Government Participate in one stop shop Providing infrastructure support Encourage local partnerships Advocacy Planning issues Identify local area needs and map services Services and events provision Community development, including funding and support
State Government Policy development including whole of Government approach Support upgrading skills Provision of services, entry referral point Measure progress against child KPI Break down silos Address public transport issues to increase accessibility Leadership role in setting the vision
Interested Individuals and Communities Engage the service clubs Act as volunteers and mentors