1 Ethics in Computing 4 Use of computers has spread to all aspects of society 4 The need for computer users to act in a sociably responsible way is becoming more important 4 We will examine ethical and moral issues in using computers
2 Ethics in Computing Adapted for academic use from “Ethics in Computing” by Kevin Bowyer, IEEE 1996
3 Ethics in Computing Adapted for academic use from “Ethics in Computing” by Kevin Bowyer, IEEE 1996
4 Right and Wrong 4 Human beings are able to differentiate between right and wrong (Throughout the world and among different regions and races) 4 We need to apply this capability in an effective way in computing (spreading viruses, promoting use of copied commercial software, intrusion into accounts of others etc. are morally wrong activities)
5 A Case to Consider 4 We cite some cases from the published literature to demonstrate the importance of ethical considerations in one aspect of computing, software development 4 Suppose that a hospital hires your services as a programmer. You are asked to develop software to control the positioning of an X- ray machine that can slide up and down vertically over the patient table
6 X-Ray Made Easy
7 A Case to Consider 4 The X-ray machine has minimum position of zero where it touches the table and maximum position of 5 where it is 5 ft above the table 4 The operator enters the desired position of machine. The software compares it to current position and issues commands to move the machine 4 Develop the algorithm for this software
8 Exercise 4 The software for human related and safety critical systems is very important 4 Consider the software to control an elevator 4 What algorithm would be most suitable for deciding the next floor? 4 Suppose passengers press floors numbers 18, 2, 19, 5 in this order when the elevator is on floor 1 4 Is it FIFO, SJF, or something else?
9 Safety Critical Systems 4 The examples of such systems are aircraft and air traffic control, nuclear reactor control and medical instrumentation 4 For example, air traffic control must issue a warning if two aircrafts come dangerously close to each other 4 A software keeps processing “time to collision” in the background
11 Smart Bombs should not fall away from the military targets
12 Traffic Signals should not turn green for two roads that cross each other
13 Another Interesting Case 4 Assume that SUNY Fredonia wants to install an automated and intelligent parking space finder system 4 In the morning, people will use the main entrance on college parkway and will stop at a machine to enter their preferred parking lot 4 The software on the machine will interact with the users and help them find space in a parking lot in decreasing order of priority
14 Parking Finder Dream Machine 4 All spaces on campus will be installed with “car sensors” that will connect to the parking finder dream machine 4 You are asked to evaluate the feasibility of this system and comment on the effects of this system on the overall campus and the Fredonia community
15 ACM Code of Ethics 4 ACM has issued its own code of ethics 4 This code contains –Eight moral imperatives –Eight professional responsibilities –Six leadership imperatives –Two compliance elements 4 Let us look at salient features of this code
16 ACM Code of Ethics 4 The general moral imperatives include principles of honesty, trustworthiness, respect for privacy as well as contribution to society 4 Professional responsibilities call for acquiring and maintaining professional competence and honoring all agreements and contracts
17 ACM Code of Ethics 4 Leadership imperatives require supporting authorized use of computing resources and managing personnel and resources to design and build useful information systems 4 Compliance elements include the upholding and promotion of the principles of the code and avoiding violations
18 Software for a price or free? 4 We look at three opinions on this topic: –Software should be free –Software prices should be reduced drastically –Software should be treated just like any other commercial product 4 Software is developed by teams and individuals who spent considerable time and effort on it
19 Software Types 4 Operating systems (e.g. Windows, Unix, Linux, MacOS, OS/2 etc.) 4 General application software (e.g. MS- Word, Adobe Photoshop, PDF Converter etc.) 4 Customized application software (e.g. NiMo invoicing system, United Airline flight management system, ATC computer systems)
20 Recommendations 4 Following are my recommendations for the general application software and operating systems 4 Operating systems are usually shipped with new computers. Later, the users should be given free upgrades 4 General application software should sell for under $10 as the massive production of CD’s will bring in the revenue
21 Software Copyright Policies 4 If we have two computers at home, it is forbidden to install the software on both. Is it practical? (consider the laptop and desktop pair!!) 4 I think the copyright rules need revision
22 Free Software 4 Let us also encourage the free software camp 4 Free software does not mean pirated software. 4 Software designers make available the products as freeware. 4 These products are difficult to use but more powerful than the commercial products
23 Free Software 4 Freeware is different from Shareware. Shareware works on the principle of “try before you buy” 4 Free Software Foundation started in 1984 with the name GNU (GNU is NOT UNIX) 4 The Free Software Foundation (FSF), a tax-exempt charity for free software development, raises funds by selling GNU CD-ROMs, T-shirts, manuals, and deluxe distributions, (all of which users are free to copy and change), as well as from donations.Free Software Foundation (FSF)sellingCD-ROMsT-shirtsmanualsdeluxe distributionsdonations
24 Free Software 4 FSF has some radical views to which one may or may not agree 4 For example, they stress that software should not have owners. They also claim that the copyright laws hurt the freedom of the society and that the owners prevent the spread of information. 4 Review the material online at