What is this STEM thing all about? Dr. Sam Houston Session 47: Strategies that Engage Minds
The problem with our schools is not that they are not what they used to be, but that they are what they used to be. STEM is about school change. It has been said:
Learners are independent not dependent Thoughtful not thoughtless Know what to do – when they do not know what to do Career and College Ready
Strategies that Engage Minds Sonja McKay Meredith Cheetham M.Ed., NBCT M.Ed. The Exploris K-8 Charter School Raleigh, NC
420 K-8 students in downtown Raleigh, NC. Designated North Carolina DPI Model STEM School US Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Award WRAL News story WRAL News story The Exploris School Issues- based PBL Community Partnerships Growth Mindset
GOAL: Staff input and support What is STEM? Self-evaluation with rubric Small-group brainstorm for each attribute Are we ready? Getting Started
Attribute 1 - Project-based learning Self-Evaluation
Are we ready to apply this year? Reflect YES!Not Yet Prepared or model level in 8/10 attributes (or 8/11 if HS) Attributes present in all classrooms Staff support for process Early or developing in multiple areas Attributes somewhat present, but not part of school culture
Are we ready to apply this year? *Use the rubric to inform school decision-making.* Next Steps YES!Not Yet Form STEM committee Collect data & evidence Revisit application throughout year Form STEM committee Select 1-2 attributes to focus on as part of School Improvement Plan Arrange PD around growth areas
1.1 – PBL Four teachers to BIE 3-day PBL workshop BIE 3-day PBL workshop in October for entire K-8 staff 1.3 & 1.4 – PLCs and Physical Space Four-month PLC to redesign learning spaces Using design process and partnerships with local experts Case Study – Exploris K-5
Create writing team Divide labor to write drafts Designate faculty members to edit and finalize entire application Provide leave time Collect data & evidence Develop system to collect evidence Pieces of evidence may fit multiple areas Evidence will shape writing, commit early Case Study – Exploris 6-8
Define school’s best practice early in process Best Practice submissionBest Practice submission Leadership encourages innovation Empower teachers TIME! Be realistic…60+ hours Support teacher-writers See page 41 of application packet. Tips
NC STEM Rubric: A comprehensive approach to school improvement. School Improvement