An example of "CIDOC-CRM-aware" modelling: the HADOC model 33rd joined meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and 26th FRBR - CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, 19-22 May 2015 Patrick Le Boeuf, National Library of France
What is HADOC? HADOC = Harmonisation de la production des données culturelles HADOC = name of both a programme and a conceptual model HADOC = a French Ministry of Culture initiative, led by Katell Briatte (member of the AFNOR WG who translated ISO 21127 into French)
The HADOC Programme Since 2008 Goals: Fight current heterogeneity in data produced by the Ministry and affiliated bodies Facilitate interoperability Facilitate access to and exploitation of data On the long term, provide a national reference database for the identification of "cultural objects"
The HADOC Conceptual Model Version 1 released in 2013 Represented in UML Initial intention to be interoperable with: CIDOC CRM EDM LIDO
Some easy basics, to start with Dimension E54 Dimension Bien Culturel E71 Man-Made-Thing Mesure E16 Measurement Acteur E39 Actor Événement E5 Event Identifiant E42 Identifier
Some trickier equivalences HADOC CIDOC CRM / FRBROO Appellation Activité Datation Periode Laps de Temps Date Localisation not E41 Appellation but F35 Nomen Use Statement not E7 Activity but F51 Pursuit E13 Attribute Assignment not just E4 Period but E13 P141 E4 not just E52 Time-Span but E13 P141 E52 not just E50 Date but E13 P141 E50 not just E53 Place but E13 P141 E53
Trickier and trickier Localisation Periode "an abstract class enabling one to define a Period through a Time-Span with regard to a given Place" aPourLocalisation Localisation aPourPeriode Periode estTemporellementEgalA Laps de Temps ?=? E92 Spacetime Volume P161 has temporal projection E53 Place ["P158i was occupied by"] E4 Period P160 has spatial projection E52 Time-Span
Conclusions HADOC is "CIDOC CRM aware", although not entirely "CIDOC CRM inspired" However, some important differences in formalism HADOC-to-CIDOC CRM mapping not quite straightforward, but not unfeasible (also using some FRBROO features) HADOC definitely not an extension of CIDOC CRM, but on the whole compatible with it French HADOC modelled data will predictably play nicely with CIDOC CRM modelled data