1 / 16 CS 790z Seminar on Software Engineering Spring 2003 Syllabus Details January 23, 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

1 / 16 CS 790z Seminar on Software Engineering Spring 2003 Syllabus Details January 23, 2003

2 / 16 Outline n The Instructor n The Students n The Course n Study Materials n Initial WWW Pointers n Grading Scheme n Policies n A Look Ahead

3 / 16 The Instructor. n Sergiu Dascalu  Room SEM-236  Telephone   Web-site  Office hours:  Tuesday and Thursday 2:30 – 4:00 pm or by appointment or chance

4 / 16.The Instructor n Sergiu Dascalu  PhD, Dalhousie U., Halifax, NS, Canada, 2001  Teaching and research at Dalhousie University, (software engineering focus)  Teaching and research at the University Politehnica Bucharest, Romania, (RT embedded systems focus)  Consultant for several software development companies in Romania and Canada

5 / 16 The Students 10 registered as of yesterday Prerequisites : Instructor’s consent

6 / 16 The Course Outline : The objective of this course is to explore research topics in software engineering, with emphasis on languages, tools, and techniques for software specification. The instructor will first introduce the research spectrum, which will then be investigated in depth by the students under the instructor’s guidance. Possible research topics include, but are not limited to, approaches for requirements specification, application of formal methods, combinations of notations in object-oriented analysis and design, visual design languages, UML-based modeling techniques, UML extensions, specification-based testing, supporting software development environments, and case studies. The course will allow the students to broaden their knowledge of software engineering topics, study relevant research publications in the field, and prepare and present a high quality software engineering paper. Outline : The objective of this course is to explore research topics in software engineering, with emphasis on languages, tools, and techniques for software specification. The instructor will first introduce the research spectrum, which will then be investigated in depth by the students under the instructor’s guidance. Possible research topics include, but are not limited to, approaches for requirements specification, application of formal methods, combinations of notations in object-oriented analysis and design, visual design languages, UML-based modeling techniques, UML extensions, specification-based testing, supporting software development environments, and case studies. The course will allow the students to broaden their knowledge of software engineering topics, study relevant research publications in the field, and prepare and present a high quality software engineering paper.

7 / 16 Study Materials n No specific textbook is required. The study will be based on research papers and articles, as well as on books recommended by the instructor on a case by case basis.

8 / 16 Initial WWW Pointers n IEEE’s Digital Library, via n ACM Digital Library, via n The Software Engineering Institute, at Carnegie Mellon University, n IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Council on Software Engineering, n The Object Management Group, n More will be indicated later

9 / 16 Grading Scheme (tentative)  Research paper 30%  Project (supporting the paper)25%  Presentations30%  Class participation15%

10 / 16 Policies.. n Late submission policy:  Maximum 2 late days per assigned work  Each late day penalized with 10%  No subdivision of late days  Example: a 90/100 worth assignment gets 81/100 if one day late (90*0.9 = 81) or 72/100 if two days late (90*0.8 = 72)  Obviously, late days are not allowed for presentations

11 / 16.Policies. n Legal notices on the world-wide web: Read and comply with accompanying legal notices of downloadable material. Always specify the references used and do not plagiarize (see next slide)

12 / 16..Policies n Plagiarism and cheating: Will not be tolerated. Please read the policies of University of Nevada, Reno regarding academic dishonesty:

13 / 16 A Look Ahead… Week(s)Subject 1-3Presentations by the instructor and topic selection 4-7Presentations: background (I) and (II) 8Presentations by the instructor 9-10Presentations: progress report 11Presentations by the instructor 12Project submission 13-15Paper presentation and final submission

14 / 16.A Look Ahead.. n Summary of course objectives:  Extension of general knowledge of software engineering topics  Study and presentation of relevant research publications in software engineering  Preparation and presentation of a high quality paper, supported by a project  Improvement of research skills

15 / 16..A Look Ahead. n My intentions/expectations:  Provide guidance in the complex software engineering spectrum  Help you be better prepared for research  Guide you in writing a research paper  Hope that you will both work intensively and enjoy your work in this course

16 / 16 … A Look Ahead n Your intentions/expectations?  Why do you take the course?  In what ways do you think this course could help your professional development?  What topics are you most interested in?  What suggestions do you have for the instructor and/or the course?  Are you ready for the ride?