An Arbitrary Two-qubit Computation in 23 Elementary Gates or Less Stephen S. Bullock and Igor L. Markov University of Michigan Departments of Mathematics and EECS
Outline Introduction A crash-course in quantum circuits Prior work Synthesis by matrix factorizations Our contribution Entanglers and disentanglers Recognizing tensor products Circuit decompositions Conclusions and on-going work
Introduction Abstract synthesis of logic circuits Input: a function that represents a computation Output: a circuit that implements that function Minimize circuit size Our focus: two-qubit quantum computation Quantum states are complex vectors Computations and gates are 4x4-unitary matrices Existing commercial applications Secure communication: quantum key distribution (circuits are small, but gates are very expensive) Future applications: quantum computing
Quantum Information Most popular carriers … Polarization of an individual photon Spin of an individual nucleus or electron Energy-level of an individual electron Common features “Basis” states, e.g., and or and Linear combinations are allowed |0>+|1>; || 2 +|| 2 =1; , are complex Fundamental change from classical info Special session tomorrow : Cambridge, NIST Los Alamos, and Michigan
Classical Models Quantum Models 0-1 strings E.g., one bit {0,1} Bool. Functions Gates & circuits Primary outputs Lin. combinations of 0-1 strings E.g., one qubit |0>+|1> Matrices Gates & circuits Probabilistic measurement Mostly ignored here
From Classical to Quantum All quantum computations M must be unitary M x M-conjugate-transpose = I M -1 (recall “reversible computations”) A conventional reversible gate/computation can be extended by linearity E.g., a quantum inverter swaps |0> and |1> Maps the state (|0>+|1>)/2 to itself Can apply an inverter on one of two qubits E.g., (|00>+i|11>)/2 (|01>+i|10>)/
Quantum Circuits Can apply an inverter on one of two qubits E.g., (|00>+i|11>)/2 (|01>+i|10>)/2 How do we describe this computation? Tensor product: IdentityNOT More generally: AB CNOT gate x y x yxyx
Elementary Gates Q. Computation
Technology-indep. Synthesis Input: Unitary 4x4-matrix M Generic quantum computation on 2 qubits Output: circuit in terms of elem. gates that implements M up to a constant Minimize: circuit cost E.g., gate count or (gate costs) Solutions exist iff the gate library is universal
Phase can be ignored Gate 1 Gate 2Gate 3
Previous Work Proof of universality is constructive [Barenco et. al `95] in Phys. Rev. A Can be interpreted as a synthesis algorithm However, no attempt to minimize #gates Can be viewed as matrix factorization [Cybenko `01] M=QR with unitary Q & upper-triangular R (M unitary R diagonal) We count gates, and the answer is 61
Our Work (1) Two new synthesis procedures (2 qubits) Based on a different matrix factorization (related to SVD and KAK decompositions) Also reduce generic synthesis to diag synth Small circuits for diagonal computations Smaller overall circuits than QR (Cybenko) Constructive worst-case bounds Any circuit in gates or less Any circuit with 15 non-constant gates 23
Our Work (2) Lower bounds two-qubit computations (most of them) that require at least 17 elementary gates At least 15 non-const gates At least 2 CNOTs Bounds are not constructive and not tight, except for “15 non-const gates” We never use “temporary storage” qubits but this could lead to smaller gate counts
The Entangler and Disentangler “Computational basis” |00>,|01>,|10> and |11> The “entangler” computation maps |00> to (|00>+|11>)/2, etc. The “disentangler” is E -1 =E* Key lemma If U=AB, then EUE* has only real entries An efficient way to recognize tensor products
Circuits For E and E* A specific circuit for the entangler E S=diag(1,i) counts as one elementary gate The Hadamard gate H counts as two E* is implemented by reversing the diagram Change S to S -1 =diag(1,-i) 7 elem. gates
The “canonical decomposition” for 2-qubit computations: U K 1, K 2 and such that U=K 1 K 2 E E * is diagonal (5 gates) K 1, K 2 have only real entries The terms K 1, K 2 and can be found explicitly Numerical analysis: polar and spectral decompositions Reduce K 1 and K 2 to tensor products using entanglers EUE*=E(AB)E*E E*E ( CD)E* A,B,C and D are one-qubit computations: 3 gates each Note that E and E* are the same for any input Our (Key) Synthesis Procedure RzRz RzRz RzRz RzRz
Details (1) After the initial “divide-and-conquer” many gate cancellations can be made This brings down max #gates to 28 Only 15 of them depend on input, which matches an a priori lower bound Further reductions from the analysis of E(AB)E* and E(CD)E* Max #gates reduced to However, 19 gates depend on the input 23
Details (2) The structure of the 23-gate circuit For additional details, see Our paper in Physical Review A
Validation of Our Synthesis Algo Implementation in C++ Produces 23 gates for randomly- generated 4x4-unitary matrices Can capture structure: several examples in quant-ph/ quant-ph/ Optimal results for any AB circuit (QR decomposition typically 61 gates) For 2-qubit Fourier transform: a circuit with minimal # of CNOT gates
Conclusions and On-going Work First generic synthesis algorithm to capture circuit structure, e.g., AB On-going work Lower and upper bounds of gates (almost done) Solved synthesis of n-qubit diagonal computations (produce circuits within 2x from optimal) 18
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