CCD Spectroscopy Team Members: Resident Astronomer:Dr. Aloha Telescope Technician: Kurt Woolslayer Instrumentation Specialist: Clyde Kobashigawa
Equipment Needed 1. CCD Camera: SBIG ST-7E $4K 2. Self guided Spectrograph:SBIG $4K 3. Telescope: 10”Meade LX50 $2.5K 4. Lap top PC: $1.5K 5. Help from colleagues $ priceless $
CCD Camera coupled to Spectrograph
Diffraction grating Micrometer: used to scan up and down the spectrum
Ray diagram of the optical system 1.Top Path:Imaging CCD 2. Right path:Guiding CCD
Telescope Setting and alignment 1. Setup wedge/tripod at 20 degrees. 2. Align finder scope with the optical tube. 3. Polar alignment 4. Find target object with eyepiece. 5. Remove eyepiece and focus with focuser attachment. 6. Attach Spectrograph/CCD/computer cables 7. Power up computer/CCD/begin cool down sequence. 8. Align slit,find target, focus target, and move target onto the slit. 9. Grab and save bracketed images. 10. Warm-up and Power down equipment.
Exposures were captured at different angles to the diffraction grating to record the entire visual spectra: 400 mm 450 mm 500 mm 550 mm 600 mm
Spectra of Mars
Spectra of Antares
Spectra of Spica
Spectra of Mars
Spectra of Antares
Data reduction 1. Crop Spectra in CCD Software (CCDOPS) 2. Open target spectral data in spectral analysis software (Spectra) 3. Open comparison spectral data and calibrate absorption lines and emission lines. 4. Analyzed target data can be used to determine the targets A. Radial Velocities from Doppler shifts B. Composition from absorption lines C. Temperature from peak emissions and absorptions D. Spectral class of target
CCDOPS Software with data collected from Antares 6/26/01
Antares raw spectra
Cropped Antares Spectra
So What? Star Temperature by Spectral Classification Star Composition by Which Lines are Present Star Motion by Looking at Doppler Shifted Lines
Confirmation of planetary wobble by Tau Boo
Happy Starry Rainbows !!!!!!!!!