November 28, 2007JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e1 Sick buildings Diagnosis and treatment 7y790
November 28, 2007JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e2 MAC The maximally allowed concentration (MAC) of a gaseous substance is that concentration in the air of a working environment that in general According to current knowledge; According to current knowledge; Even at repeated and long-term exposure; Even at repeated and long-term exposure; During the full working life; During the full working life; will not harm the health of workers nor that of their descendants [Nationale MAC-commissie 1978] MAC-TGG= tijdgewogen gemiddelde / time weighted mean MAC-C = peak concentration
November 28, 2007JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e3 Some general hygienic limits Agent Limit value Micro-organisms in air 500 CFU / m 3 Dust < 3.5 μm 40 μm / m 3 Fungal products 2 ng / m 3 (?) Bacterial toxins 100 ng / m 3 Carbon monoxide 25 ppm Carbon dioxide 700 ppm Mites in carpeting 10 / g dust; 2 μm allergen / g dust Mites in bed / padded furniture 100 / g dust; 2 μm allergen / g dust Rats / Mice < 1 / building Cockroaches Legionella in water 50 (25) CFU / l Bacteria in potable water 1000 CFU / ml
November 28, 2007JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e4 Health damage & buildings Sick building syndromeSick building syndrome (SBS) = occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that are linked to time spent in a building; no specific illness or cause can be identified Building related illnessBuilding related illness (BRI) = occupant shows symptoms of diagnosable illness that can be attributed directly to airborne building contaminants Source: Environmental Protection Agency USA:
November 28, 2007JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e5 Sick Building Syndrome a collection of certain specific complaints and symptoms experienced by workers during or after a stay in certain building spaces Source: E Eyskens, L Feenstra, AE Meinders (eds) Codex Medicus. Elsevier, Amsterdam. ISBN
November 28, 2007JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e6 Sick Building Symptoms Dry eyesDry eyes Dry throatDry throat HeadacheHeadache Dry skinDry skin Mucous membrane irritationMucous membrane irritation LethargyLethargy Asthmatic symptomsAsthmatic symptoms
November 28, 2007JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e7 Additive effects Example: Pollution by a Laser printer C = Concentration in the Air; MAC = MAC value: Ozon: 0.1 ppm; Carbon monoxide: 25 ppm; airborne dust (stof) 0.05 mg / m 3 air
November 28, 2007JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e8 A Sick Building forms an environment that adheres to relevant standards but does not fully answer to the human need for: - Absence of Pathogens - Absence of other biotic, chemical or physical Pollutants - Thermal Comfort - Lighting Comfort - Acoustic Comfort - Sufficient Space, Privacy, Peace and Quiet - Contact with outdoors (view, sound, smell, air quality) Source: PA Vroon Ziekmakende Gebouwen en de evolutie van de mens. Bouwfysica 2(2):18-25; E Eyskens, L Feenstra, AE Meinders (eds) Codex Medicus. Elsevier, Amsterdam. ISBN
November 28, 2007JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e9 A Healthy Building forms an environment that - Has a Low Risk for negative health effects - Makes Healthy Behaviour self-evident - Compensates for disease or infirmity present - Stimulates users to realise their ambitions - Leaves Users Master of the situation
November 28, 2007JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e10 Building Assessment Health aspect Assessment method Physical, chemical biological measurements Check user interfaces Questionnaire / Interview Low health risk xxx Supporting healthy behaviour 0xx Compensates0xx Stimulates ambitions 00x Leave end-users master 0xx Building-in-use method = repeated questionnaires
November 28, 2007JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e11 “General” measurements Carbon dioxideCarbon dioxide Carbon monoxideCarbon monoxide Water vapourWater vapour Airborne dustAirborne dust Pay attention to the following: - Peak values may be more important than averages - Measure continuously for 7-10 days - Measure outdoor and indoor concurrently - Combine physical values with a complaint diary
November 28, 2007JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e12 Building services design (also for dwellings) RobustRobust Locus of control = userLocus of control = user Automated when desired by userAutomated when desired by user Sensors for CO, CO 2, energy use, ….Sensors for CO, CO 2, energy use, …. Automated safety actions always with explanation to the usersAutomated safety actions always with explanation to the users Action options for the userAction options for the user