Online Registration Tam Nguyen CS491B
Why do I chose this project? LAUSD( Los Angeles Unified School District) -SiS system was developed for administrators and counselors to query student’s academic records. Reduce the hassle of traditional in-person registration. Parents can now be able to take part in their children’s academic growth. Easy access! Easy to use!
Technologies & Tools Used JavaBean JSP MySQL Jakarta Tomcat Application server. Red Hat Linux
Project Model Student log on using web browser. - 5 unsuccessful will prompt the program to create a log file specifying date, time, ip address, and number of unsuccessful attempts. Student will be forwarded to a page where they can Register, View credits, and check their schedule. Counselors will be forwarded to a different page where they will be able to have control over all aspects of student academic records.
Project Model (Continue…) Registration process: - Prerequisite check are implemented. - Can’t register for the same class. Future enhancement: ePermit. Under some circumstances, students will be able to override prerequisite classes. ePermit will be randomly generated by counselors and given to the students who requested. Time ePermit will be valid, and map unique number to student requested. Search Class by Class name, by Teacher, and/or by Department. - Students are guaranteed to find the classes they wish to register for, assuming that it is offered.
Security Features Free of SQL injection. Session invalidates after 15 minutes. Users are ask to provide username and password once they log out. Back button to history page are forbidden and unauthorized. Counselors page can only be access when properly authenticated. For example, can’t be access using the URL. URL query string manipulation are checked before processing requests.
Counselors Page Students are not allowed to remove their classes by themselves once it has been submitted to the official record. Counselors page is used for counselors to remove the classes students registered. Future goals - ePermit - Graphical illustrations of popular and non-popular classes. Why? - Considered a class with only 10 students. Safe MONEY! Safe Time! and concentrate on developing new and more attractive classes.
Counselors module
Problems encountered & Summary Controlling the use of the back button. Different browser behave differently. Programming was not difficult, but the logic behind high school registration system was difficult. Learn how to use JavaBean, Servlet, and new web technologies that are available. Research skills. Patience!!!!!!!! Milestone project. Motivation for learning new web technologies, more features will be added.
Optimality Not sure! But it works. Suggestions to improving the program are always welcomed. Thank you! For your time and patience.